


FT and Statista recognize Garrigues for its fight against climate change for the fourth year in a row

The Financial Times and Statista Europe’s Climate Leaders 2024 ranking lists the 600 European companies that have made the most progress in reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

For the fourth year in a row, Garrigues has been recognized for its fight against climate change and has consolidated its position as the top-ranked European law firm that has most reduced its emissions according to the ‘Financial Times - Statista Europe’s Climate Leaders ranking’.

Garrigues has again appeared on the prestigious Financial Times list with the following figures: we reduced our scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity by 32.7% (which relates emissions with net revenues) and our total core emissions by 82.8%. No other Spanish law firm appears in the classification, which only includes 41 Spanish names.

The ranking distinguishes the companies in the European Union and the United Kingdom that have had the highest reduction in the intensity of GHG emissions (in equivalent tons of CO₂ in scopes 1 and 2 for every million euros of income) and that have assumed new commitments related to the climate in the last five years. Both factors are combined to obtain an overall score for each company. In this year’s edition, the ranking looks at the period between 2017 and 2022.

Sustainability is one of Garrigues’ strategic pillars, and its environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitment guides its activity. The firm is committed to an environmentally responsible business model, to ensuring compliance with legislation, preventing or mitigating the impact of its business and to reducing its carbon footprint in order to achieve net zero emissions. Since 2004, Garrigues has been drawing up an annual inventory of GHG emissions. Through our Sustainability Plan and the lines of action composing it, we promote the transition towards a circular economy and boost climate action and conservation of biodiversity. The improvement in energy efficiency and in the use of renewable energy are just two of the measures included in the Plan.