+34 93 253 37 00
Registered lawyer nº 34938
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona
David Sanz is a partner in Garrigues' Administrative Law Department and is responsible for environmental law matters in the Barcelona office. He has extensive experience in providing legal advice to companies and Public Administrations on public procurement, the environment and regulated sectors. In addition to the lines of work described above, he also provides general advice on administrative law (disciplinary proceedings, contentious-administrative proceedings, expropriations, public domain and special properties, etc.). He holds a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona, a PhD in Administrative Law and has been recognised as a researcher (cum laude). Professor at the University of Barcelona since 1995 and author of several publications in his area of specialisation. He lectures at various university institutions and participates as a speaker at conferences, seminars, master's and postgraduate courses in his speciality. He also takes part in research projects promoted by the Department of Administrative Law at the University of Barcelona. Recognised by Best Lawyers since 2014.
David Sanz has been a partner in the Administrative Law Department of Garrigues since 2010, having joined the firm in 1999. He has also been a lecturer in the Department of Administrative Law at the University of Barcelona since 1995. From the outset, his research work in the university sphere focused on the in-depth study of Administrative Law and its peculiarities, paying particular attention, as his publications attest, to the systems of prior administrative control over potentially polluting activities and the mechanisms of collaboration between the public authorities and companies. To this academic and research training must be added his experience in legal advice to companies and Public Administrations in different areas linked to Administrative Law and, specifically, in all matters relating to public procurement, regulated sectors, legal implications derived from environmental protection regulations and contentious-administrative proceedings, intervening both as a plaintiff and in defence of administrative action.
As regards aspects related to public procurement, he has participated in advising public authorities, contractors and financial institutions on a large number of the infrastructure projects promoted at national level in recent years (trams, metro, high-speed train, hospitals, motorways, desalination plants, water treatment plants, airports, waste treatment facilities, energy production facilities, etc.). He has also been involved in contractual modification, rebalancing and termination of public contracts.
He is also the head of the Barcelona office for matters related to environmental law, having provided advice in the field of the different environmental vectors (water, atmosphere, soil, etc.) and in matters related to ESG.
He also has extensive experience in advising on the regulatory aspects of renewable electricity production facilities, having been involved in numerous transactions involving the sale and acquisition of assets of this nature.
In addition to the above, David Sanz's experience in advising on any other matter related to administrative law, such as consumption, food safety, public property, expropriation procedures, telecommunications, sanctioning procedures or contentious-administrative appeals, should also be highlighted.
He is fluent in Spanish, Catalan and English.
Academic background
- Degree in Law, Universidad de Barcelona (1995).
- Doctorate program in Administrative Law, Universidad de Barcelona (1997).
- Research proficiency certificate, Universidad de Barcelona (1997).
- MBA (UNED, 2017).
Teaching activity
- Professor at the UB since 1995, teaching Administrative Law, Community Law Institutions and subjects related to Environmental Law.
- Lecturer on the Master's Degree in Advanced Public Procurement at the University of Barcelona (2019-2022).
- Lecturer on the postgraduate course on Smart Cities at La Salle (2013-2022).
- Lecturer on the Master's Degree in Energy Efficiency at the UB-IL3 (2012-2016).
- Lecturer at the School of Industrial Organization (2010-2012).
- Lecturer and coordinator of the Administrative Law area of the Master's Degree in Legal Practice organized by the UB and the Barcelona Bar Association (2009-2011).
- Lecturer on the Master's Degree in Public Law at Pompeu Fabra University (2005-2008).
- Coordinator and lecturer in Environmental Law on the Master's Degree in Business and Environmental Quality at La Salle University (2004 to 2008).
- Lecturer in Administrative Law on the Graduate Tax and Accounting program in the Faculty of Economics at the UB (2002-03, 2003-04).
- Lecturer in Constitutional Law at the Police School of Catalonia (2002-2006).
- Member of the Department of Administrative Law at the University of Barcelona since 1995.
- Member of different research projects of the Department of Administrative Law of the University of Barcelona.
- Best Lawyers in Spain (Administrative Law), 2014 to 2023.
- Recipient of a grant from the Public Administration School of Catalonia in the framework of the VIII Competition to award grants for research in the field of Public Administration in Catalonia, 1998. Project: "The advance of co-responsibility and environmental self-regulation: voluntary agreements".
- ERASMUS grant to participate in the 3rd Session of the Academy of European Public Law, held on the island of Spetses (Greece), 31 August to 21 September 1997.
- Pre-doctoral grant for the Training of Researchers in the General Promotion of Research programme, 1996-1999.
- Grant from the Institute of Autonomous Studies for the training of researchers in Catalonia, 1995. Scholarship, which was not taken up.
- Collaboration grant holder in the Department of Administrative Law at the University of Barcelona (Administrative Law Department) during the 1994-95 academic year.
- "El medi ambient a l'àmbit local", in Règim jurídic dels governs locals de Catalunya, Guifreu i Font, J., Fuentes i Gasó, J.R. (dir.), second edition, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2022. Pp. 1153-1172.
- Sanz, D., Ruiz de Loizaga, X., "El régimen de confidencialidad de las ofertas en la contratación pública", in Problemas prácticos y actualidad del Derecho Administrativo. Anuario de Derecho Administrativo 2017, Recuerda Girela, Miguel Ángel (dir.), CIVITAS, Cizur Menor, 2017. Pp. 425-440.
- Sanz, D., Reverter, M., "La Directiva de concesiones: especial atención al riesgo operacional y su aplicación práctica en nuestro ordenamiento", in Problemas prácticos y actualidad del Derecho Administrativo. Anuario de Derecho Administrativo 2016, Recuerda Girela, Miguel Ángel (dir.), CIVITAS, Cizur Menor, 2016. Pp. 421-446.
- López-Gunn, E., Llamas, M.R., Garrido, A., Sanz, D., "Groundwater management", in Treatise on Water Science, ELSEVIER. 2010.
- Garrigues, A., Sanz, D., "The legacy of the 2008 Zaragoza Exposition", Bureau International des Expositions. 2009.
- "El medi ambient a l'àmbit local", in AA.VV., Règim Jurídic dels Governs Locals, TIRANT LO BLANCH, València, 2009. Pp. 819-839.
- "El recurso de casación en interés de la Ley autonómica a la luz de las sentencias dictadas por la sección de casación de la Sala Contenciosa-administrativa del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Cataluña", in Justicia Administrativa, Libro Homenaje al Prof. Dr. Rafael Entrena Cuesta, ATELIER, Barcelona, 2003. Pp. 793-815.
- "Los acuerdos ambientales como mecanismo de sustitución o complemento del control preventivo unilateral de las actividades potencialmente contaminantes: las previsiones de la Ley 3/1998", Gestión Ambiental, no. 34, October 2001, pp. 11-25.
- Review of the book Annuaire Européen d'Administration Publique. Vol. XIX, Centre de Recherches Administratives, PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES D'AIX-MARSEILLE, Marseille, 1997. Journal of Public Administration, No. 151, January-April 2000, pp. 586-590.
- "Some notes on environmental agreements as instruments of environmental management", Gestión Ambiental, no. 12, December 1999, pp. 1-12.
- "La Administración local y la protección de la atmósfera: la intervención a través de instrumentos de control preventivo", CEDECS, Barcelona, 1999.
- "Comentario a la Ley balear 6/1.997, de 8 de julio, por la que se regula el suelo rústico", AUTONOMIES. REVISTA CATALANA DE DRET PÚBLIC, no. 24, February 1999, pp. 471-475.
- "La nulidad de pleno derecho de los actos que lesionan derechos y libertades en la reciente jurisprudencia", Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, no. 3, 1998, pp. 149-176.
- "La posición del usuario frente a la actividad de servicio público: especial atención a los servicios sanitarios", Derecho y Salud, vol. 6, no. 1, January-June 1998, pp. 2-24.
- "La intervención de los entes locales en el medio ambiente: su regulación en el Reglamento de Obras, Actividades y Servicios", in FONT I LLOVET, T. (coord.), Derecho local, MARCIAL PONS, Barcelona, 1997, pp. 267-293.
- "Casos prácticos y materiales de Derecho Administrativo I y II", Aguado i Cudolà, V., Navarro Munuera, A.E., Trayter Jiménez, J.M., Cedecs, Barcelona, 1997, 1998 and 1999.
(*) originally published in Spanish/Catalan/English.