
Our advisory services cover all technical, legal and environmental aspects companies should bear in mind in terms of complying with regulations and preparing strategies:

Preparation of environmental due diligence reviews and of legal and technical reports on environmental matters.

Advisory services in connection with waste production and management, the circular economy, by-products and end-of-waste criteria, as well as with extended producer responsibility as regards each of the different waste material flows.

Technical and legal advice in connection with contaminated land, as well as assistance in negotiations and management for the recovery of contaminated sites.

Technical and legal assistance in complying with environmental standards and in developing social responsibility and environmental management systems.

Technical and legal assistance in environmental liability matters, penalty proceedings and judicial reviews across all environmental fields.

Advice in connection with emissions, including noise emissions.

Technical and legal assistance in water-related matters, including management of the full water cycle.

Advice on environmental compliance in the different zoning and urban development procedures.

Advice on government intervention in the economy and control of environment-related subsidies.

Analysis of regulations for the protection of natural areas and biodiversity (in particular, identifying restrictions that could affect the implementation of new projects such as major infrastructure, energy projects, etc.).

Advice in connection with emissions trading rules, through the preparation of reports and opinions, briefs, submissions, appeals, etc. on all types of issues deriving from international and EU law, from both the national and regional law standpoints; advice on how businesses can integrate environmental factors across the entire value chain; cross-disciplinary advice to companies on transitioning to a low-carbon economy; analysis of the legal, economic and environmental impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System; mitigation and adaptation strategies; calculation of carbon/environmental footprints; disclosure of corporate information in connection with climate change; and assistance in analyzing the exposure and resilience of projects and organizations to climate change.

Advice on environmental taxation, environmental tax incentives and environmental accounting.

Preparation of the most suitable litigation strategy in each case, including advice in the pre-litigation phase.

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