+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer nº 73878
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
With a lengthy academic career (Doctor of Law, Università di Bologna), Federico Durán has held important institutional positions (Chairman of the National Consultative Committee on Collective Labor Agreements, Chairman of the Economic and Social Council) and has formed part of committees and study groups both in the Spanish and European arena. He has pursued his professional career at Garrigues since 2001 and advises very important businesses as well as the Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organizations (CEOE). His area of expertise includes collective bargaining, business restructuring and labor arbitration.
Following a lengthy academic career at several universities and overseeing political responsibilities relating to labor and employment, Federico Durán has pursued his professional career at Garrigues since 2001. He was the Director and National Coordinator of the Garrigues Labor and Employment Law Department until 2012. His areas of expertise cover all aspects of labor/employment and social security law: collective bargaining, business restructuring, administrative and judicial appeals, mediation and arbitration, and occupational risk prevention.
He is widely respected in the business community, particularly in certain industries such as air transportation and the large retailer sector, in which he advises major Spanish companies.
He is a Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at Universidad de Córdoba and has held various positions of academic responsibility at this university (Dean and Vice Chancellor). From 1986 to 1992, he chaired the National Consulting Committee of Collective Bargaining Agreements, by appointment of the government (tripartite body made up of government representatives and employer and labor union organizations).
From 1992 to 2001, he chaired the Economic and Social Council, a constitutional body (the highest consultative body of the government on labor, economic and social matters) made up of the most representative employer and labor union organizations and of experts appointed by the government, of which he was the first chairman.
He has formed part of various study groups appointed by the European Commission to examine issues relating to the job market and training. He has also formed part of expert committees appointed by the Spanish government in relation to regulation of the job market, good corporate governance and European integration. He chaired the government-appointed working group on the harmonization of the social security systems for workers and public officials. He also sits on various committees of the CEOE, an institution with which he regularly collaborates and which he advises.
In 2001 he was commissioned by the Spanish President to draft a report on occupational risks and their prevention, which has served since then as a benchmark for occupational risk prevention in Spain (the “Durán Report”). He has subsequently been responsible for various studies and reports on occupational risk prevention, both general and industry-specific (construction) or focusing specifically on small businesses.
Alongside his academic activities, he is the director of the Master’s Degree in Labor Law Counseling and the Executive Program in Labor Relations at Centro de Estudios Garrigues
He regularly contributes articles to the economic press (Cinco Días, Expansión) and frequently participates in labor and employment forums and seminars. He gives numerous lectures every year at many Spanish cities, organized by various institutions (APD) and business or academic organizations.
Federico Durán has featured in several directories, such as Iberian Lawyer and Chambers&Partners, in the employment practice area, both in the Chambers Global and Chambers Europe editions, forming part of the team of employment experts singled out for praise by the directory, which ranks Garrigues as one of the top labor law practices in Spain. Chambers&Partners views Federico Durán as one of the foremost labor and employment law experts in Spain, particularly highlighting his insight into client needs and his creative approach to meeting them.
He has been a Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute in Fiesole (Italy).
Member of the Madrid Bar Association.
Academic background
- Degree in Law, Universidad de Sevilla, with Special Award.
- Doctor of Law, Università di Bologna (Italy), receiving the Victor Manuel II Award for the best doctoral thesis.
Officer of the French National Order of the Legion of Honor.
Author of several books:
- “La acción sindical en la empresa: su protección legal” (Labor Union Activity at Companies: its Legal Protection).
- “Derecho de huelga y legalización del conflicto de clases” (Right to Strike and Legalization of the Class Struggle).
- “El Trabajo temporal” (Temporary Employment).
- “El Derecho del Trabajo en la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional” (Employment Law in Constitutional Court Case Law).
- “Libertad de Circulación y de Establecimiento en la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia CEE” (Freedom of Movement and of Establishment in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union).
- “Informe sobre los riesgos laborales y su prevención”, etc. (Report on “Occupational Risks and their Prevention).
He has also co-authored many other books.
He has published over 200 articles in Spanish, Italian, French, English and German specialist journals.