

Publications - Tax

  • Extended period for IIT preferential policy of allowances for foreign individuals

    On December 31, 2021, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation have decided to continue that the IIT preferential policy of allowances for foreign individuals (e.g. home visit, housing allowance, children’s tuition fee…

  • China: Extended period for some IIT preferential policies

    On December 29, 2021, the executive meeting of the State Council has decided to continue the implementation of some IIT preferential policies as follows:

  • The European Commission presents its proposed directives to ensure a 15% minimum global tax rate and to counter the misuse of shell companies

    These proposals, presented on December 22, 2021, have their respective origins in the work of the OECD and G20, for the implementation of a global minimum tax rate (known as Pillar 2) and in the communication on business taxation for the 21st…

  • Recent Chinese tax regulation updates regarding outbound remittance

    Taxpayers should pay attention to the following Chinese tax regulation updates regarding outbound remittance in China: one record filing for multiple remittances under one contract and the cancelation of the Local Tax Surcharges related to…

  • The new double taxation agreement between Spain and China has also entered into force in China

    The new double taxation agreement between Spain and China has now also completed the internal legislative procedure in China, and, thus, has entered into force, according to Announcement (2021) No. 16, which was issued by the State Administration of…

  • Spain introduces DAC6 transposition regulations

    Article by Juan Luis Zayas (partner) and Nicolás Cremades (principal associate) in Madrid ('ITR').

  • A new double taxation agreement between Spain and China has been published

    The March 30, 2021 edition of the Official State Gazette published the new Agreement between China and Spain for the elimination of double taxation, done at Madrid on November 28, 2018. 

  • Are you an entrepreneur? These are the personal income tax (IRPF) central government and autonomous community incentives available

    The personal income tax legislation allows credits to be applied against the tax payable by individuals who make investments either directly or through a legal entity (e.g. through the formation of companies, capital increases, etc.).

  • Individual Income Tax Impact on Change of Tax Residence Status of Non-domiciled Individuals

    Due to the worldwide impact of COVID-19 Pandemic, some foreign expatriates working in China are unable to return to work in China or travel abroad for overseas work functions. The extended or shortened staying days in China affect the tax residence…

  • Start-ups in the tourism sector: an opportunity in times of COVID-19 which comes with tax incentives

  • COVID-19: New measures changing the time period for preparation and approval of financial statements and their tax consequences

    Royal Decree-Law 19/2020 states that the three-month time period for preparing financial statements and other documents required by law will start to run from June 1, 2020, and reduces the time period for approving financial statements to two months…

  • China approves extraordinary tax policies for coronavirus pneumonia epidemic

    The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) jointly issued a series of preferential tax policies focusing on key areas and key industries of novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) prevention and control (Policies), which come…