Financial Times' highlights Garrigues as a leading law firm in the fight against climate change
This classification highlights the EU and UK companies that have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) the most over a five-year period. In this year’s edition, the ranking looks at the period between 2016 and 2021.Member States must assess the environmental impact of urban development projects on places of historical, cultural or archaeological significance, according to the Advocate General of the CJEU
The Opinion of the Advocate General of the CJEU regarding an urban development project in the historical center of Vienna could create a new line of European case law that provides greater protection for historical, cultural or archaeological heritage.Spain: Advances in the reform that will require certain companies to calculate and prepare a reduction plan for their carbon footprint
On December 13 the public information period ends for the bill amending Royal Decree 163/2014, creating the carbon footprint, offsetting and CO2 absorption projects register. The measures introduced by the proposed wording include the registration of so-called scope 3 emissions continuing to be voluntary for small and medium-sized companies.Spain ratifies Additional Protocol to European Social Charter providing for a system of collective complaints to the Council of Europe
This protocol provides for a system of collective complaints and allows the reporting of unsatisfactory application of the Charter by the States in relation to social and employment matters.