Financial Times' highlights Garrigues as a leading law firm in the fight against climate change
This classification highlights the EU and UK companies that have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) the most over a five-year period. In this year’s edition, the ranking looks at the period between 2016 and 2021.Spain: Advances in the reform that will require certain companies to calculate and prepare a reduction plan for their carbon footprint
On December 13 the public information period ends for the bill amending Royal Decree 163/2014, creating the carbon footprint, offsetting and CO2 absorption projects register. The measures introduced by the proposed wording include the registration of so-called scope 3 emissions continuing to be voluntary for small and medium-sized companies.Non-financial information statements: Here are the legal requirements to be considered for 2023
Before the end of the year, organizations would be well-advised to familiarize themselves with the new legislation that will have a bearing on the obligation to prepare the non-financial information statement (NFIS) for 2022 together with the future sustainability reporting landscape.Labor relations and the commitment to sustainability under debate in ‘Garrigues Sustainable Dialogs’
Sustainability in labor relations, which covers aspects such as respect for human rights and responsibility in the value chain of companies, is occupying an increasingly bigger strategic space in corporate agendas. Moreover, future European initiatives on due diligence and decent work, as well as legislative developments in this regard, which are due to be brought in in Spain in 2022, has heightened interest in the subject.