+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer nº 79937
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Juan Manuel Cabeza Escobar is a partner in the Administrative, Urban Planning and Environmental Law Department of Garrigues, where he has been practicing since 2005.
He has extensive experience in all areas of Administrative and Public law. In particular, he has extensive experience in urban law, planning, housing, environmental, contentious-administrative, sanctioning, contracting, transport and mobility, pharmaceutical law, etc.
Member of the Madrid Bar Association.
Member and regular participant in the Urban forum, member of the Housing and Urban Planning Commission of the CEOE and regular professor in the course How to Stand Out as a Professional Land Manager organized by CIARE (CDC GPS III).
Author of several articles and regular moderator and speaker at seminars and conferences on urban planning matters.
Fluent in Spanish and English.
He has developed his professional career at Garrigues, joining the Firm in 2005 and being appointed senior associate in 2011, principal associate in 2017 and partner in 2020.
He has extensive experience in urban law, planning, housing and environmental matters. Among other matters, his experience includes advising in relation to all types of land and typologies of use (free and protected housing, community residential, cohousing, coliving, industrial, tertiary, commercial, hotel, etc.), urban planning and management, licenses, expropriations, etc. In these areas he provides active legal advice to the public and private sector, counting among his clients very important companies in the fields of development, construction, investment and financing.
He also has extensive experience in other areas of Administrative and Public Law such as, for example, contentious-administrative, sanctioning, contracting, transport and mobility, pharmaceutical law, etc.
His professional performance is developed through a wide range of activities ranging from occasional advice, for example, in administrative and contentious-administrative proceedings, due diligence processes and preparation of reports and opinions, to ongoing advice to companies. In this sense, he has participated and continues to participate providing services in some of the most relevant transactions in the market.
He has participated as moderator, speaker and professor in several seminars and conferences on urban planning, environmental and housing matters. Among the most recent ones:
- Speaker at the First Congress of Real Estate Rehabilitation 2023, organized in April 2023.
- Moderator at the Housing and urban development conference in Madrid with speakers representing the public sector (Community of Madrid and Madrid City Council) and the private sector, organized in April 2022.
- Speaker at the Green Public Procurement webinar, organized in April 2022.
Academic background
- Degree in Law, Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE (E-3)
- Degree in Business Administration and Management, Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE (E-3).
- Executive Master’s Degree in Planning, Centro de Estudios Garrigues.
Teaching activity
Regular professor in the course How to Stand Out as a Professional Land Manager organized by CIARE (CDC GPS III).
- Member of the Madrid Bar Association.
- Member and regular participant in the Urban forum.
- Member of the Housing and Urban Planning Commission of the CEOE.
Author of the article "Legal regime of the building book: analysis in the light of regional legislation and the resolutions of the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries", published in Revista de Práctica Urbanística, No. 183, Territorial Planning Section and urban planning, July-August 2023, LA LEY.
Author of the article "The modification of the Public Sector Contracts Law by the General Budget Law for the year 2023 from the perspective of the pharmaceutical field", published in Cuadernos de Derecho Farmacéutico, no. 85, April-June 2023.
Author of the article "Algunas consideraciones jurídicas sobre los deberes de reserva de suelo para vivienda de protección pública en la legislación urbanística a la luz de la jurisprudencia más reciente", published in Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medio Ambiente, ISSN 1139-4978, Year No. 56, No. 351, 2022.
Collaborator in "Comentarios y Concordancias a la Ley de garantías y uso racional de los medicamentos y productos sanitarios" (Colección Garrigues. Editorial Marcial Pons. Madrid 2007).