Amendments to tax codes
Law no. 85/2017, of 18 August was officially published, which:
- Amends Decree-Law no. 41/2016, of 1 August regarding Circulation Tax, stating that the changes introduced in paragraph 2 a) and 5 of article 5 of the Circulation Tax Code apply only to vehicles acquired after the entry into force of said Decree-Law;
- Amends the Municipal Property Tax Code, providing that (i) in addition to municipal enterprises, housing and construction cooperatives are also not subject to the municipal property tax surcharge insofar being exclusively owners, usufructuaries or surface right holders of buildings for construction of social housing or at controlled costs and that (ii) the aggravated rate of 7.5% for buildings owned by offshore entities is not applicable to natural persons;
- Extends article 145 of Law no. 64-B/2011, of December 30, regarding scientific patronage provided for in article 62-A of the Tax Benefit Code.
This law enters into force on August 19, 2017.