


Approval of the 2013-2015 Digital Agenda

The Spanish Council of Ministers approved the 2013-2015 Digital Agenda for SpainAbre ventana nueva on Friday, February 15, 2013, setting out the road map for compliance with the objectives of the Digital Agenda for Europe in 2015 and 2020 and containing specific objectives for the development of the digital society and economy in Spain.

Six major objectives have been established: (i) to promote the roll-out of ultra-fast networks; (ii) to develop the digital economy; (iii) to improve e-government and digital public services; (iv) to build trust in digital transactions and services; (v) to boost R&D&I in industries of the future; and (vi) to support digital inclusion and the training of new professionals in Information and Communication Technologies (“ICTs”).

The Agenda will be implemented through the following nine plans that will set out the specific lines of action in each area:

(i) a Digital inclusion plan to get the majority of the population using the internet and to narrow the digital divide;

(ii) a Plan to build trust in digital transactions and services so that ICTs contribute to economic and social development, including, among other initiatives, the adoption of good practices by businesses and authorities, the digital user and consumer culture, and excellence in the generation of talent and advanced research and training of professionals;

(iii) a Telecommunications and ultra-fast networks plan in order to meet broadband targets, the lines of action of which include the drafting of a new General Telecommunications Law, the establishment of a National Ultra-Fast Networks Strategy and the adoption of measures for a more efficient use of the radio spectrum;

(iv) an ICT plan to improve productivity and competitiveness at SMEs and achieve European e-commerce objectives, which includes an integral program to encourage the use of ICTs, e-commerce and e-invoicing;

(v) an Integral plan for the digital content industry, which includes the program for exports by and internationalization of the Spanish digital content industry, the program for the reuse of public-sector information, specific digital content R&D&I initiatives, and specific digital content training and education programs;

(vi) an ICT sector development and innovation plan, which includes the business R&D&I program, the program to promote demand-oriented R&D&I activities, the key enabling technologies support program, the program to promote private equity R&D&I investment in ICTs, the smart networks and smart cities program, and initiatives for tailoring training courses to industries of the future;

(vii) a Plan for the internationalization of technology enterprises, which includes the program for developing innovative technology offerings in synergy with R&D&I activities, initiatives promoting the internationalization of technology-based enterprises, and dissemination and awareness-raising initiatives;

(viii) an e-Government action plan by central government, the aims of which are to achieve progress towards a government that is more integrated with society through quality public services focused on citizens and businesses, increase the use of public e-services by citizens and businesses, streamline and optimize the use of ICTs in public authorities, establish a new model for e-government based on cooperation and collaboration, and use technology to bridge the digital divide; and

(ix) a Digital public services plan, which includes the social welfare and healthcare plan, the digital education program, and the digital justice system program.

The objective sought is to increase GDP, create new jobs, deliver greater growth in productivity, and achieve greater wellbeing among citizens and consumers alike.
