


Arbitration Institutional News

Arbitration Newsletter April 2018

The most relevant arbitration institutional news from the global International Arbitration and ADR practice group at Garrigues.

ICSID’s latest caseload report reveals a record 53 filingss in 2017

ICSID’s latest caseload report which is published every two years reveals the centre registered a record 53 arbitrations in 2017.

CPR’s new rules on non-administered arbitration

The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) has released revised non-administered arbitration rules for both domestic and international disputes.                  

Changes to the rules that took effect on 1 March 2018 include a requirement that parties discuss "cyber issues" at a preliminary conference, revision to the procedure for multi-party proceedings, clarification of the tribunal's authority to decide jurisdictional challenges and clauses allowing intervention when there is a disagreement over arbitrator compensation. The rules also include a "young lawyer" rule that aims to increase opportunities for junior lawyers to take a more active role in arbitration hearings.

DIS revises its Arbitration rules

The German Institution of Arbitration (Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, or DIS) has revised its Arbitration Rules. The new Rules came into effect on 1 March 2018 and replace the 1998 DIS Rules. The revision introduces major changes to the existing arbitral procedure under the DIS Rules and is the result of an extensive consultation process which lasted for almost two years.

This first revision in twenty years aims to modernize the DIS Rules and bring them into line with current best practices in international arbitration. The revision focusses on institutional changes, as well as the need for increased time- and cost-efficiency in arbitration proceedings.

ICC reports 810 new cases in 2017

The ICC International Court of Arbitration has released their case figures for 2017 reporting that it received 810 new cases. This is a slight drop from the 966 cases filed in 2016. However, the cases filed in 2017 set a record in terms of the number of countries represented – 142, compared with 137 in 2016.

The ICC’s figures are preliminary only – its full data will be made available in the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin later this year.

KLRCA changes its name to the Asian International Arbitration Centre

The Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration has formally changed its name to the Asian International Arbitration Centre.

LCIA celebrates 125 years

The LCIA has been celebrating its 125th birthday, with the launch of a collection of online “perspectives” by members of the arbitration community, a new database of summarised challenge decisions, discussions about revising its rules – and a big party in London.

SIAC shows a 32% increase of new cases

The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) has also released its caseload figures for 2017 reporting a record number of 452 new cases – an increase of 32% from 2016.

VIAC´s new rules enter into force

A new version of the Vienna International Arbitration Centre (VIAC) rules of Arbitration and Mediation entered into force on 1 January 2018.  The Rules will apply to all proceedings that commence after 31 December 2017. The most important novelty: VIAC will also administer purely domestic cases in the future. Moreover, the new Rules will introduce some other innovative new features. For an overview of the most significant changes of the Rules of Arbitration and the Rules of Mediation please follow this link: