
Garrigues Chair in Global Law celebrates its second anniversary

Director Rafael Domingo takes stock of the last two years

(18/03/05)  Today marks the second anniversary of the Garrigues Chair in Global Law and its Director, Rafael Domingo, has taken the opportunity to assess its achievements over the last two years. ‘The growth in the Garrigues Chair has been spectacular. I would particularly like to highlight the innovative nature of this pioneering initiative in Spain. And no less would have done, as there is a growing need for Global Law in today’s society,” he stated.
The Garrigues Chair has 17 collaborators entrusted with investigating the various areas associated with Global Law. It is permanently represented in nine countries (two in Asia, six in America and one in Europe) and has published 16 works, including Juristas Universales and the first Spanish-Japanese legal dictionary. It has also taught courses to over 500 people.

The Chair has also reached collaboration agreements with the
European Legal Studies Center of Columbia Law School, the Spanish College of Registrars and the publishing house Thomson, which donated the Thomson Global Law Library to the Chair.  It has also implemented two programs: the Anglo-American Law Program, an introduction to Anglo-American Law for European lawyers, and the Visiting Scholar Program, which trains researchers.

The Garrigues Chair in Global Law is currently preparing the launch of the
Global Law Business Program aimed at training Asian and Latin American lawyers and businessmen, as well as the Global Law Collection, in collaboration with the publisher Thomson.

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