


A Garrigues IA tool is highlighted as good practice by the Global Compact's Spanish Network

Proces@, the first ever tool to apply robotics to the management of legal documentation in the Spanish language, has been commended in the publication ODS, año 3. Una alianza global para la Agenda 2030  (SDG, year 3. A global alliance for the 2030 Agenda) for its innovative nature

The Global Compact, the international initiative which seeks to promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) within the framework of the United Nations (UN) has included Proces@ among the good practices it has highlighted for 2018. This is a tool created by Garrigues and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, which applies robotics to the management of legal documentation. Specifically, the tool was bestowed this distinction in the Innovation category.

The Global Compact's Spanish Network presented this week its publication entitled ODS, año 3. Una alianza global para la Agenda 2030, reporting on the status of the 2030 Agenda, which sets out the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), with 17 goals and 169 targets to be met by 2030 to try and solve the major economic, social and environmental problems which the world is facing. Businesses play a key role in this Development Agenda, with United Nations seeing in them the potential to have a significant transformational impact in relation to the challenges facing sustainable development.

Garrigues signed its adhesion to the United Nations Global Compact in 2002 and since then has documented in its Integrated Report (previously known as the Corporate Social Responsibility Report) the progress it has made as a firm, year on year, in implementing the principles of the Compact. With its 2017 report, the firm attained the GC Advanced  reporting level, with which the Global Compact recognizes companies which make an important effort in transparency.

The Proces@ tool was developed by Garrigues in collaboration with the Knowledge Engineering Institute (IIC) of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. It helps locate unstructured data in electronic documents and audio and video files, etc. It is the world’s first tool of this type to be developed in Spanish. The Global Compact’s Spanish Network highlighted only one other initiative in the Innovation category: the collaboration between Telefónica and Facebook to reduce the digital divide in Latin America.