
The new Public Sector Contracts Act will bring more efficiency and transparency

Spain - 

Garrigues and APD organise a series of workshops about the new regulation, that will enter into force on March 9

March 9 will see the entry into force of the new Public Sector Contracts Act transposing to the Spanish legal system the directives with which the European Union aims to establish a more efficient and transparent framework for public contracting, and improved economic conditions  for governments.

This law is unquestionably extremely important for the whole business sector due to the numerous companies from all sectors that have contracts with the Government. These contractual agreements account for 20% of the GDP and amount to around 200,000 million euros.

Some of the most innovative aspects of this new law include the new classification (dispensing with public service management contracts and public-private collaboration contracts and creation of a concession or franchise contract), changes in selection and tender procedures (removal of the negotiated agreement without publication due to the financial amounts involved), measures aimed at providing greater publicity for bidding procedures and simplifying their processing, solutions for opening up competition for SMEs (division into different lots) or the importance of joint valuation of economic and qualitative elements in the tender procedure.   Measures designed to restrict minor contracting are also particularly relevant.

In order to analyse the most significant elements of the law and its practical repercussions, Garrigues and the Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección (APD - Management Progress Association ) have jointly organised a series of workshops under the heading “The new Public Sector Contracts Act. The implications for Businesses". Sessions have already been held in Galicia, Asturias, the Basque Country, and Castilla-La Mancha and a further workshop will take place on 27 February at the Garrigues Auditorium in Madrid.

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