Peru: The Complaints Book Regulation is changed so that suppliers respond to claims and complaints within 15 business days
Competition Alert Peru
The goods or services supplier ('proveedor') will have to respond to the claims and complaints registered in their Complaints Book ('Libro de Reclamaciones') within a maximum period of 15 business days. Also, if requested by the consumer, the response must be provided in writing, by email or letter.
As of May 22, 2022, Law 31435 entered into force, which modified the Consumer Protection and Defense Code, by reducing the term for responding to claims and complaints from 30 calendar days to 15 business days.
Due to this, on August 16, 2022, Supreme Decree 101-2022-PCM was enacted in order to adapt the Complaints Book Regulations to this new term. In addition, through said regulations, it has been provided that in the event the supplier offers a solution to the consumer's claim, the aforementioned period of 15 business days to respond to the claim will be suspended for a maximum of 5 business days.
Finally, it is important to highlight that the format of the Complaints Book has been modified, which now explicitly states that the provider has 15 business days to respond to the consumer. Since there is no adaptation period for suppliers to implement this new format, it must be carried out as soon as possible, as it is already in force.