


Restructuring & Insolvency Newsletter - March 2019 | Publications and events

Spain - 


Professionals of our Restructuring and Insolvency Department take part in several publications and events


  • La venta de unidad productiva en el concurso: herramienta de preservación de valor y oportunidad de negocio” (“Sale of the production unit in the insolvency proceedings: value preservation and business oportunity tool) [García-Alamán & Jiménez Moreno], julio 2018, Alimentación y Bebidas (Foods and Beverages), Librería La Jurídica S.L.

A study of the main advantages and opportunities of the sale of productive unit in the framework of the agro-food industry.

  • Aspectos registrales del traslado internacional de domicilio social (a propósito de la resolución de la DGRN, de 6 de junio de 2018)” (“Registration elements of international relocation of the registered office: DGRN ruling of June 6, 2018”) [Heredia], Revista Electrónica de Estudios internacionales (, December 2018, issue 36, pages 17-23

A study of the main registration elements derived from the relocation to Spain of a company domiciled outside the EU (in Panama), in light of the recent findings of the Directorate-General of Registries and the Notarial Profession.

  • Acciones de reintegración y legitimación activa: el «trasvase» de la acción al acreedor y otros problemas prácticos”  (“Clawback action and standing to sue: the “transfer” of action to the creditor and other practical issues”) [Verdugo & García Castro], January 2019, Revista de Derecho Concursal y Paraconcursal issue 30/2019, Wolters Kluwer

Our specialists take a look at the “co-bringing” of clawback action, which occurs when both the insolvency practitioner and a creditor initiate the same action to claw back an act or transaction performed by the insolvency debtor before the insolvency order.

  • Los límites subjetivos del convenio concursal y las garantías reales a favor de tercero”  (“Party inclusion limits for arrangements with creditors and collateral provided to third parties”) [Jiménez Moreno], January 2019, Revista de Derecho Concursal y Paraconcursal issue 30/2019, Wolters Kluwer

Analysis of potential eligibility for the protection afforded by article 135.1 of the Spanish insolvency law for any creditors that did not vote for an arrangement with respect to the subsistence of their rights against an item of collateral securing the insolvent debtor.

At the latest conference organized by the  Garrigues Chair on the Modernization of Company Law  it was debated whether there was a need to reconsider the traditional relationship between shareholders and directors, especially when the company is struggling.


  • Adrián Thery and Juan Verdugo took part in the conference “Corporate crisis and reorganization of the capital structure and of corporate government” organized by the Garrigues Chair on the Modernization of Company Law at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE).

On February 4 Garrigues partners Adrián Thery and Juan Verdugo analyzed the role of directors and shareholders of distressed companies, the cross-class cram-down mechanism and the absolute priority rule at this conference organized by Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE) within the sessions organized by the Garrigues Chair on the Modernization of Company Law.

  • Adrián Thery spoke February 26 at the commercial law seminar organized by Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, on the subject of corporate governance and capital structure

On February 26, Garrigues partner Adrián Thery discussed corporate governance and capital structure from the standpoint of the restructuring of companies in the fourth session of this seminar.

  • Garrigues to participate in NPL Europe 2019, to be held in London on March 7 and 8 2019.

Diogo Leónidas Rocha, Juan José Berdullas and Juan Verdugo are going to take part in NPL Europe 2019. Garrigues will give a presentation and participate on the Portugal panel as sponsor of this European event on non-performing loans, one of the most highly attended with more than 300 people from the whole spectrum of participants in this market (investors, financial institutions, servicers, financial advisors, real estate consultants, etc.).

  • Adrián Thery to participate on May 9 and 10 in Madrid in the international congress on the subject of corporate restructuring and competition law: corporate governance and competition law to be held at the General Council of Spanish Lawyers

Adrián Thery will speak on the roundtable on: Refinancing Agreements: creditor and shareholder class formation, to be held on May 9 at the General Council of Spanish Lawyers  (Pº Recoletos 13, Madrid).