


Restructuring & Insolvency Newsletter - March 2023 | Publications and events where Garrigues participates

Spain - 


“The pre-pack in the Proposal for a Directive of December 7, 2022”

The new issue of the Revista General de Insolvencias y Reestructuraciones, directed by Juana Pulgar, Professor of Corporate Law, was published in March 2023. Our partner Adrián Thery has contributed to this publication with the article "The prepack in the Proposal for a Directive of December 7, 2022".

“New Legal Framework for Company Restructuring in Spain”

In December 2022, the collective work , directed by the judge Amanda Cohen, was published. Adrián Thery contributed to the chapter "Competing restructuring plans".

“Corporate Law, Insolvency Law and the Law on Financial Markets”

The collective work on Corporate Law, Insolvency Law and the Law on Financial Markets, published by Sepín, appeared on June 20, 2022. Andrés Gutiérrez, member of Garrigues Restructuring and Insolvency Department, wrote the chapter on “The Insolvency Rearrangement”.

“INSOL Europe/LexisPSL joint project on the implementation analysis of the Directive (EU) 2019/1023 in the EU Member States: Spain”

Adrián Thery and Carlos Herrero-Tejedor, members of Garrigues Restructuring and Insolvency Department, are the authors of the article analyzes how the various EU member states have included this European directive in their domestic laws. Thery and Herrero-Tejedor have been in charge of the chapter on Spain.

“Non-Performing Loans: the Registration Obstacle Race in Spain for Loan Buyers and Managers”

Juan Verdugo has published the article in issue 6 of Spanish insolvency and restructuring journal Revista General de Insolvencias & Reestructuraciones (October 2022). The article analyzes the issues buyers of non-performing loans must contend with to register their rights to payment at Spanish property registries and their deterrent effects on investment in the Spanish NPL market.

“The New Restructuring Plans: Can Creditors Replace Shareholders in Companies’ Capital?”

Adrián Thery and Marina Lorente have published in our Family Business Newsletter an analysis called The New Restructuring Plans: Can Creditors Replace Shareholders in Companies’ Capital?

“Fourth edition of the Insolvency Law Manual”

Andrés Gutiérrez and Andrés Ignacio Martín, from the Restructuring and Insolvency Department of Garrigues, have participated in the preparation of the Insolvency Law Manual, 4th edition. The manual, published by Wolters Kluwer, was directed by Juana Pulgar, professor of corporate law at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and was coordinated, amongst others, by Andrés Gutiérrez. Gutiérrez and Martín have contributed to the work, by writing, respectively, the chapters "X. Pre and Post Insolvency Claims in Insolvency Proceedings" and "XI. The Arrangement with Creditors".


Awards and accolades

Chambers recognises Garrigues as Tier 1 in the Insolvency practice area

The prestigious Chambers and Partners directory has recognized Garrigues with Tier 1 in the Insolvency area and Tier 2 in the Restructuring area. Likewise, the head of the firm's Restructuring and Insolvency Department, Adrián Thery, has been recognised with Tier 1 in Insolvency, while Borja García-Alamán and Juan Verdugo have been recognised with Tier 2 in this speciality.

Several lawyers in the Garrigues Restructuring and Insolvency Department recognised as Best Lawyers in the “Insolvency and Reorganization Law” category

In the 2022 edition, several lawyers in our Restructuring and Insolvency Department were awarded recognition by Best Lawyers in the “Insolvency and Reorganization Law” category. Garrigues practitioners Adrián Thery Martí, Borja García-Alamán de la Calle, Juan Verdugo García, Juan María Jiménez Moreno, José Manuel Fariñas Pena and Iván Heredia Cervantes are on the Best Lawyers list, whereas Jaime Portillo Olave and Jorge Echanove Puig were picked out as Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch.

Juan Verdugo receives “Client Choice Award 2022” for Restructuring & Insolvency

Our partner Juan Verdugo has won the exclusive “Client Choice Award 2022” given by Lexology in the field of Restructuring and Insolvency, for his excellent client care and the quality of his service.