


Spain offers an attractive and sustainable investment alternative for distress market

Spain - 

In a pioneering guide, Garrigues analyzes the appeal of the Spanish distress market and the tools needed to close financing, asset, share and debt deals.

Having firmly resisted not only external attacks such as Brexit, but also the other, more domestic, challenges of the macro situation in Spain in recent years, the Spanish distress market is undoubtedly an attractive and sustainable investment alternative, and one which offers numerous opportunities for participation, not only for expert players on the market but also for others planning to invest in the near future.

This is one of the conclusions that can be drawn from the guide to the Spanish distressed assets market prepared by Garrigues and edited by Thomson Reuters, which explains, for example, the deals available and the dos and don’ts for investors. A book like this is very useful at the present time, since it contains the different courses of action one can take when faced with distressed debt & assets, the ways of financing or acquiring businesses in special situations, the pros and cons of securitisation and some innovative and well-tested legal schemes for deal with non-performing assets. The book also describes the most important transactions recently performed in the distress arena, as well as their nuances.

This guide, which discloses the lessons learned by Garrigues in recent years, can help purchasers, sellers and distress market advisers to use all the tools available to them and to conclude, as we do, that the Spanish distressed assets market is extremely attractive. There can no longer be any doubt that, as a result of the vast experience in negotiating and closing sale and purchase agreements related to these transactions, this market provides a clear framework capable of ensuring the reasonableness of contractual terms for all parties.

Moreover, Garrigues’ guide offers an insight into the future legal landscape of Spain, so that distress players can tailor their investment strategy to the changing and challenging times ahead.

As explained in the foreword by ALANTRA, the merit of Garrigues’ most recent book is that it offers all this information systematically, with clear and direct language aimed at institutional investors, but not failing to mention the applicable legislation and many examples of specific cases in which Garrigues has been involved with undoubted success. All of this will allow the reader to ascertain the advantages and drawbacks of each class of transaction and helps the different market players to guide their decisions in an optimum and informed manner.

The guide Distress transactions in Spain will be presented at a dedicated event in London next October 30.