The system of provision of stevedores will be established in the bylaws of the Port Employment Centers ('Centros Portuarios de Empleo')
This is established by a recent reform introduced in the new regulation of the protection of consumers and users from situations of social and economic vulnerability.
Following various legislative changes, the first final provision of Law 4/2022 on the protection of consumers and users from situations of social and economic vulnerability has been approved, which has amended Law 19/1994 governing temporary employment agencies. The new regulation classifies Port Employment Centers (CPE) as voluntarily established, mutual-based, jointly-owned companies. In addition, the legislation provides that, through the bylaws of CPEs or a framework contract for provision of services, the system of provision of stevedores will be determined. The above-mentioned first final provision, appearing in the Official State Gazette (BOE) of March 1, 2022, came into force on March 2, 2022.
These are further new developments in Spanish stevedoring due to the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), of December 11, 2014, and the judgment of the National High Court (Labor Chamber), of May 31, 2021.