Transport and Shipping Newsletter - December 2020

Brexit: Main changes for the maritime and port sector coming into effect on January 1, 2021
The transition period under the “Withdrawal Agreement” signed between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) in which the UK and the EU have to negotiate the terms that will govern their future dealings is set to end on December 31, 2020.
Preliminary bills amending the basic shipping and port rules: These are the planned amendments
The preliminary bills amending Maritime Shipping Law 14/2014 (LNM) and the Revised State Ports and Merchant Shipping Law (TRLPEMM) are currently at the public consultation stage. However, the government has not yet forwarded the specific articles of those preliminary bills or formally released them for consultation. Although information on the areas in which they seek to make amendments has been provided to employer and employee representatives in the shipping and port industries and interested parties generally.
Spanish markets and competition authority levies token fines on collective bargaining agents in the stevedore dockworkers’ sector
The Markets and Competition Commission has taken into consideration the parties’ intention for the forthcoming approval of a new framework agreement on employment in the stevedore dockworkers’ sector to observe the requirements laid down in the legislation for liberalization of the sector and the maintenance of effective competition.
COVID-19 and its effects on the shipping industry
The health and economic crises we are currently experiencing caused by the pandemic have prompted a flurry of activity in the production of legislation and regulations. In the various electronic Codes on the subject of COVID-19 published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) (see here) you can keep track of all the adopted measures, some of which have now expired and others have been extended. Similarly you can view here, the various publications that Garrigues has prepared over the past months, including our special focus commentary on force majeure and rebus sic stantibus (see here).