

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • Is it possible to pay an employee’s salary in cryptocurrency?

    Post from Garrigues' Labor blog.

  • COVID-19: protection of temporary layoffs has been extended until March 31, 2022 and the new minimum wage and other social measures have been approved

    The Government and social partners have reached an agreement to extend temporary layoffs and other relevant measures from a labor law standpoint. In addition, the increase in the minimum wage has been published in the Official State Gazette.

  • Future law for due diligence on the environment and human rights takes first steps

    The legislation, currently under a public consultation period, will set out an infringements and penalties system for companies that fail to fulfill their duties to respect, protect and promote human and environmental rights and will ensure access…

  • Employers are now able to request the compensation for the increase of the minimum monthly wage

    The online form for employers to request the exceptional measure created to compensate the increase of the minimum monthly wage is now available.

  • Spain: approval of pension revaluation for 2022

    Taking effect from January 1 this year, a 2.5% increase for contributory pensions and a 3% increase for noncontributory pensions.

  • Spain: New spaces for collective bargainings arising from the labor reform

    The reform recently approved by the Government opens a wide playing field for collective bargaining, which will be able to specify and condition the application of the new regulatory provisions on temporary and permanent-discontinuous contracts.

  • Spain: The reform of article 84.2 of the Workers’ Statute: priority of application of the company's collective bargaining agreement

    The recently approved labor reform eliminates the priority of application of the company’s collective bargaining agreement over the sectoral agreement with respect to the salary amount. However, this provision would only apply to company…

  • Spain labor reform: clarification on the priority application of company level collective labor agreements

    The amendment, included in a banking royal decree-law, clarifies that the generic reference to collective labor agreements in article 84.2 d) of the Workers’ Statute should be to companies’ collective bargaining agreements.

  • Spain labor reform: corrigendum to Royal Decree-Law 32/2021 clarifies elements relating to contract to cover temporary demand for production

    In its January 19, 2022 edition, the Official State Gazette (BOE) published a corrigendum to Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, of December 28, 2021, on urgent measures for labor reform, ensuring stable employment and transforming the labor market.

  • Portugal - New employment financial support: hiring award and payment of contributions in the context of the new government measure 'Sustainable Employment Commitment'

    It was published in the Official Gazette Ordinance no. 38/2022, of January 17, which sets out the new 'Sustainable Employment Commitment' measure. In essence, this regulation awards employers economically for entering into open-…

  • Portugal: New rules on working hours and recording of working time in road transport approved

    It was published in the Official Gazette Ordinance no. 7/2022, of January 4, accommodating in a single instrument the rules on how employers should disclose the working schedule and record the respective working times.

  • Increase of justified days of absences due to the passing of a family member

    It was published in the Official Gazette the Law no. 1/2022, January 3, increasing the number of days an employee may be absent from work due to the passing of a family member and enabling employees to receive psychological support.