

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • Portugal: New rules on the teleworking regime and the right to disconnect

    It was published on Official Gazette the Law no 83/2021, of December 6, which modifies the teleworking regime and sets forth the right to disconnect. In the table below it is possible to compare the legal framework that takes effect from January 1st…

  • The common thread of the labor reform

    Just as, thanks to Ariadne's thread, Theseus managed to find the way out of the labyrinth after having taken care of the Minotaur, we would need to identify a common thread, not just to get out, but simply to guide ourselves in the labyrinth…

  • The COVID-19 vaccine and its effects on employment relationships: the landscape in Latin America

    The COVID-19 health crisis has brought various challenges in every country, and vaccination is one of them. In this article we will review how vaccination is affecting workplace in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

  • COVID-19: Protection under ERTE temporary layoff procedure system extended until February 28, 2022, approval of new minimum wage and other employment measures

    The government and representatives of workers’ and employers’ organizations have sealed the VI Labor Relations Agreement on the Protection of Employment adopting a number of measures targeted at extending the ERTE COVID-19 temporary…

  • Remuneration register in Spain: doubts regarding the prior consultation and evaluation of job positions

    The regulatory development of the remuneration register goes beyond what the legal rules would allow and generates numerous interpretative doubts.

  • Do your Chinese entities need to contribute the PRC Social Security for your foreign employees working in China?

    The subjected question is one of most popular questions raised by the foreign invested entities in China. Our answer is YES. The Chinese entities need to contribute the PRC social security for foreign employees working in China, and said foreign…

  • Portuguese Government extends and amends company’s extraordinary aid for the progressive resumption of activity

    Decree-Law no. 71-A/2021, of August 13 was published in the official gazette, amending the extraordinary aid for the progressive resumption of activity (hereinafter, “APRA”) established in  Decree-Law no. 46-A/2020, of July 30…

  • COVID-19 Can companies retrieve recoverable paid leave in 2021?

    Post from Garrigues' Labor blog.

  • COVID-19: Portugal new rules on telecommuting and on the operating hours of establishments

    It was published in the Portuguese Official Gazette, the Council of Ministers’ Resolution no. 101-A/2021, of 30 July, which establishes the state of calamity throughout mainland Portugal until the 11:59 hours of the 31st of August 2021…

  • Fines in connection with labor law infringements to increase by 20% as from October 1, 2021

    Post from Garrigues' Labor blog.

  • Spain: New Law 10/2021, on remote working, increases fines and includes equality measures

    Law 10/2021, of July 9, 2021, on remote working, replacing Royal Decree-Law 28/2020, of September 22, 2020, contains a few new provisions on equality and non discrimination in remote work for workers with disabilities and revises the penalty amounts…

  • An equality plan cannot be negotiated with an ad hoc committee

    Post from Garrigues' Labor blog.