

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • New special measures aiming to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the portuguese labor context

  • Pension and retirement funds in Latin America: new and existing rules

    Pension fund regulations may be an incentive or deterrent when considering establishing operations in a country. This is why it is important to understand the new rules and situation of current legislation on the subject in various jurisdictions.…

  • The keys to the new telework regulation agreed by the social agents

    The social agents (Government, Trade Unions and Employers' Associations) have announced that they have reached an agreement on the regulation of labor relations exercised remotely on a regular basis, which content has been approved by the…

  • What happens with the vacations of workers subject to an ERTE?

  • Accidents in a working environment when the worker is under the effects of alcohol: to what extent is the company liable?

  • COVID-19: The regulation on the Extraordinary Incentive for Business Regularization has been approved in Portugal

    Ordinance no. 170-A/2020 of July 13th has been approved and regulates the attribution of financial support to companies during the returning phase of its employees to normal work provision and normalization of business activity.

  • COVID-19: Exceptional measures on employment and Social Security matters are introduced by the new SESP in Portugal

    It was published in the official gazette the Ministers Council Resolution no. 41/2020, of 6 de June, approving the Social and Economic Stabilization Plan (SESP) that introduces a package of exceptional measures on economic and social matters.…

  • COVID-19: New de-confinement phase in Portugal introduces changes on work organization

    It was published on the official gazette the Ministers Council Order no. 40-A/2020, of 29 May, extending the Calamity State under the COVID-19 pandemic and rules the new de-confinement phase in Portugal. Among other measures, it should be…

  • Shield 4.0 as the last part of the economic protection system during a pandemic

    On May 20, 2020, the Polish government adopted the fourth and final package of anti-crisis solutions known as "Shield 4.0".

  • COVID-19: ERTE temporary layoff procedures due to force majeure can be extended until June 30, 2020

    Royal Decree-Law 18/2020 allows ERTE layoff procedures due to force majeure to be extended until June 30, 2020 and also specifies, among others,  an extension of the term for relief from social security contributions and for the job retention…

  • Workforce planning by employers may be the key following the end of the state of emergency

    Blog Laboral Garrigues.

  • COVID-19: The steps to follow for the return to work in Portugal

    The pandemic associated to the COVID-19 brought deep and substantial changes in the most diverse areas and sectors, having, in particular, provoked significant modification in the labor universe.