

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • State Budget for 2019 - Employment and Social Security matters

    The State Budget for 2019 was published. Please find below the major changes on employment and Social Security matters:

  • Can a company stop giving its employees a ticket in the Christmas Lottery?

  • Employment contracts can now be signed electronically in Colombia

    During the Workshop on Digital Advances in Employment held on December 5, 2018, the Colombian Minister of Labor, Alicia Arango, announced that electronic and digital signatures are now permitted for employment contracts.

  • Smoking three packs of cigarettes a day does not prevent a heart attack from being considered as a work-related accident

    Blog Laboral Garrigues

  • When are tips considered part of a worker’s wages?

    Blog Laboral Garrigues.

  • Childbirth leave: on your mark, get set… Shared responsibility!

    Blog Laboral Garrigues. 

  • The number of years of working life increase in the midst of uncertainty regarding sustainable pensions

    Blog Laboral Garrigues

  • Published the administrative agreement with proceedings to be observed on Social Security matters between Portugal and Cape Verde

    It was published today in the Official Gazette Notice no. 135/2018, with the Administrative Agreement executed between Portugal and Cape Verde, related to Convention on Social Security executed between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of…

  • Early retirement pension free of cuts for long careers, initiated until the age of 16

    Decree-Law no. 73/2018, of October 17, was published in the Official Gazette, extending the scope of the special regime for early access to retirement pension to the beneficiaries of Social Security general system, or civil servants social…

  • To have access to a public contract, companies must adopt measures for disabled workers

  • How is the right to vacation time regulated in Latin America?

    In light of the publication of Legislative Decree 1405 (09.12.18), which reforms the right to vacation time in Peru, we set out below an overview of the main legal provisions regulating the right to vacation time in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile…

  • On 29 July new European rules enter into force regarding posting of workers in the EU

    On July 29, 2018, will enter into force the Directive (EU) 2018/957, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 28 June 2018, amending Directive 96/71/EC, regarding the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of…