

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • Social Networks bring Big Brother into the world of labor relations

  • The Supreme Court clarifies the requirements to prevent a dismissal for supervening unfitness from being declared void

  • Disconnecting from work, an issue that should be regulated

  • Medical checkups: voluntariness and limits on the right to privacy

  • Physical exercise: a contractual obligation?

  • Spain changes the dock workers regime for consistency with freedom of establishment under European law

    A draft royal decree is currently being prepared to implement the recent Royal Decree Law 8/2017, amending the regime for workers providing cargo-handling services at Spanish ports.

  • Requirements for the electronic signature of employment contracts

  • Can we really close the gender pay gap?

  • CEJ judgement regarding stand-by duty as working time

    Judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the case C-518/15 was published, in which ECJ had to define once again if stand-by time regime, where an employee has to be available to the employer, should be considered “working time…

  • Latest developments regarding Cooperative Work Associations in Colombia

    The highest administrative Court in Colombia -the “Consejo de Estado”- recently annulled several important rules regarding Cooperative Work Associations -known in Colombia as Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado. Through a Decision emitted…

  • The Supreme Court makes an unexpected change to the legal treatment of executive directors’ compensation

    In its judgment of February 26, 2018, the Supreme Court modified the interpretation given by most experts and authorities and by the Directorate-General of Registries and the Notarial Profession in its decision dated June 17, 2016, ratified by the…

  • General strike called for International Women’s Day

    The labor unions UGT and CCOO have called a general strike on March 8, 2018, to mark International Women’s Day. The purpose of the strike is to speak out against the inequality and discrimination women face in the employment market,…