

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • Spain: Social Security Institute (INSS) will send the sick leave reports directly to the companies

    Royal Decree 1060/2022 introduces changes to the management and monitoring system for sick leave processes. Among them, it states that medicals’ reports on employees will now be sent directly to employers by the authorities remotely.

  • Spain: Changes in the areas of labor law and social security introduced by Royal Decree-Law 20/2022

    The legislation introduces measures such as the extraordinary increase in retirement and incapacity pensions, the extension of the regulation of partial retirement with the simultaneous conclusion of a hand-over contract in effect prior to the entry…

  • 2023: The most significant legal developments that companies in Spain should keep on their radar

    Garrigues analyzes from every business law angle the most significant legislative changes that are due to arrive next year.

  • Spain: These are the labor and employment changes introduced by the General State Budget Law for 2023

    The Budget Law contains several labor and employment provisions, including the contribution bases and rates for 2023, the average revaluation of pensions, the legal rate of interest for money and the public multi-purpose income indicator (IPREM) for…

  • The minimum wage in Portugal increases to 760 euros in 2023

    It was published in the official gazette the Decree-Law no. 85-A/2022, of 22 December, ruling the increase of the minimum monthly wage to € 760,00, with effects from January 1, 2023, onwards.

  • Spain: The Startups Law regulates international remote working for foreign digital nomads

    The law defines international remote working for carrying out professional or labor activities and the relevant visa requirements and residency authorizations.

  • 4-day work week: Introduction of pilot programme in Portugal

    Ordinance no. 301/2022, of 20 December, was published in the Official Gazette, laying down the terms in which the pilot programme "Four-Day Week" is to be developed. This program aims to introduce, on an experimental basis, a reduction of…

  • Portugal: Salaries and meal allowance increase for civil servants

    Decree-Law no. 280/2022, of 16 December, was published in the Official Gazette, introducing salary increases for civil servants.

  • Directive on corporate sustainability reporting is published

    The new EU legislation requires companies to report regularly on the effect of their activities on people and the environment.

  • Portugal: Indexing reference for social aid is updated for 2023

    It was published in the official gazette Ordinance no. 298/2022, of December 16, updating the value of the indexing reference for social aid (IAS) in 483.80 € for the year of 2023.

  • Nearshoring: Key issues for companies looking to relocate or expand business in Mexico

    Due to its unique geographic location with respect to the North American, European and Asian markets, as well as its simultaneous integration to global value chains due to international trade and investment treaties such as the USMCA and the CPTPP,…

  • Portugal: Amendments to the ATIVAR.PT Internships program

    Ordinance no. 293/2022, of 12 December, was published in the Official Gazette, introducing amendments to the ATIVAR.PT Internships Program. This program aims to support the integration of young people into the labour market or the professional…