

Publications - Tax

  • Monetary devaluation indexes for 2021 remain unchanged

    The monetary devaluation indexes were approved by Ordinance no. 220/2021, of 22 October, which updates the annual monetary devaluation indexes applicable to the goods and rights disposed during 2021, whose value should be updated in accordance…

  • Software projects give entitlement to tax credit for technological innovation

    The National Appellate Court has endorsed including software in the definition of “production processes” even if it is developed in non-manufacturing sectors; and criticized denial of entitlement to the credit for software projects on…

  • REITs or SIGIs: an alternative for investment in real estate assets in Portugal

    Garrigues Portugal offers a detailed analysis of the legal regime of Real Estate Investment and Management Companies (SIGI) in the latest edition of the EPRA Global REIT 2021 Study. The firm's experts explain the key factors to take into…

  • Spanish Government approves urgent measures to reduce impact of steep rise in natural gas prices on gas and electricity retail markets

    Royal Decree-Law 17/2021, of September 14, 2021, on urgent measures to reduce the impact of the steep rise in natural gas prices on the gas and electricity retail markets (RDL 17/2021) came into force on September 16, 2021. It contains a raft of…

  • Significant changes to taxation affecting companies and individuals under the Polish New Deal

    On 8 September, the Polish Government referred to the Parliament (Parliamentary document No 1532) a proposal for extensive changes concerning, among other things, tax law, and affecting the tax situation of both foreign investors and domestic…

  • Recent Chinese tax regulation updates regarding outbound remittance

    Taxpayers should pay attention to the following Chinese tax regulation updates regarding outbound remittance in China: one record filing for multiple remittances under one contract and the cancelation of the Local Tax Surcharges related to…

  • Chilean IRS (Servicio de Impuestos Internos) issued new instructions to implement the registration under the Registry of Foreign or International Financial Institutions

    On August 13, 2021 the Chilean IRS (Servicio de Impuestos Internos) issued Exempt Resolution No. 95 (Resolución Exenta No. 95), establishing the instructions to implement the registration under the new voluntary Registry of Foreign or International…

  • COVID-19: payments on account and depreciations for a longer period than the maximum period established for tax purposes

    In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, new measures were approved to enable companies to increase their cash flows.

  • COVID-19: new extension of the deadline to submit VAT periodic returns and new extension of the exceptional recognition of PDF invoices

    The Portuguese Government approved a new review of the flexibility scheme on VAT obligations compliance and regarding PDF invoices through Dispatch n.º 260/2021-XXII, of 27 July.

  • COVID-19 - Portugal: Tax obligations - new postponement of deadlines

    The Government approved new extensions of deadlines to comply with the following tax obligations:

  • VAT: The 10% penalty for not including self-charged tax on a tax return violates principle of proportionality

    According to the National Appellate Court, this penalty cannot be imposed if no loss has arisen for the public purse.

  • Spain: New Anti-Fraud Law published

    The law, which came into effect the day after its publication, includes important changes to a number of taxes. They include making sweeping amendments to the international fiscal transparency rules, replacing “tax haven” with “non…