

Publications - Tax

  • The concepts of “classification”, “conflict in the application of tax provisions” and “simulation” are not interchangeable

    Supreme Court concludes that all these concepts must be used for their intended purposes when they were created, observing the procedures specifically defined for each.

  • Poland: Changes in corporate income tax (CIT) for 2021

    The Finance Ministry has published a bill of amendment to the laws governing corporate income tax (bill of September 15, 2020). The bill states that corporate income tax will start being levied on limited partnerships, and places new obligations on…

  • Updating on the monetary devaluation indexes for 2020

    The monetary devaluation indexes were approved by Ordinance no. 220/2020, of 21 September, which updates the annual monetary devaluation indexes applicable to the goods and rights disposed during 2020, whose value should be updated in…

  • Transfer pricing: Recommendations in relation to the COVID-19 crisis

    The COVID-19 outbreak at the beginning of 2020 has caused an unprecedented worldwide crisis, first in healthcare, later in the economy. On the subject of the economy, although there has been much discussion about the various ways and times that the…

  • New forms (Models RFI) to avoid international double taxation were approved

    The new model forms 21-RFI, 22-RFI, 23-RFI and 24-RFI, which are required for the application of international double taxation conventions, were approved by Dispatch No 8363/2020 of 31 August 2020.

  • Start-ups in the tourism sector: an opportunity in times of COVID-19 which comes with tax incentives

  • Amendments on SAF-T accounting file and reporting obligation on the establishments where invoices are issued

    The Government approved some legislative changes regarding SAF-T (PT) accounting file and reporting obligation on the establishments where invoices are issued through Decree-Law no. 48/2020, of 28 August. We highlight below the principal…

  • COVID-19: Tax measures to support micro enterprises and SMEs were approved

    In order to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Portuguese Government approved, by Law no. 29/2020 of 31 July, three more fiscal measures to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

  • COVID 19: Exceptional measures regarding payments on account

    We outline below the exceptional measures that have successively been adopted to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in Portugal on payments on account and additional payments on account.

  • The reporting obligation on the establishments where invoices are issued has been suspended

    We recall that this obligation has been implemented by the SIMPLEX+ Programme in article 34 of Decree-Law no. 28/2019, of 15 February. Initially this obligation had to be fulfilled until 30/06/2019, later extended to 30/06/2020 by Order no. 4/2019-…

  • How are indirect sales of companies taxed in Latin American countries?

    The taxation of the so-called “indirect sales” is a huge challenge for companies operating in more than one country.

  • Apple Case: The General Court of the European Union limits the control over state aid

    The General Court of the European Union (GCEU)  concludes in a recent judgment in the 'Apple’ case that the European Commission may assess the correct application of transfer pricing rules and therefore identify the existence of…