

Publications - Tax

  • COVID-19: Renegotiation of mortgage facility agreements and effect on transfer and stamp tax

    Halted economic activity and a continued decline in revenues in the business sector as a result of COVID-19 have, in the same way as in the 2008 crisis, compelled companies to refinance or renegotiate debts (secured by mortgages in a few cases) with…

  • VAT on donations of medical equipment following Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 and subsequent information notice NI GA 13/2020 dated April 23 from the Customs Department

    Commission Decision (EU) 2020/491 of April 3 granted import duty relief and a VAT exemption in respect of imports of necessary goods to combat the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Tax Authority clarifies amendments made by the State Budget Law for 2020 on VAT

    Tax Authority ("AT") issued instructions, through Circular Letter no. 30219, of 2 April, clarifying the most significant changes to the VAT Code ("CIVA") resulting from the State Budget Law for 2020 (Law no. 2/2020, of 31…

  • COVID-19: These are the additional urgent measures introduced by Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 to support the economy and employment

    We analyze from the standpoint of corporate law/commercial contracts, labor, tax, litigation and administrative law, the main new legislation introduced by Royal Decree-Law 15/2020, of April 21, 2020, adopting additional urgent measures to support…

  • COVID-19: Morocco extends the public health emergency

    Decree n°2-20-330, published in the Official Gazette on April 19th, has extended the public health emergency through May 20th.

  • COVID-19: Brief summary of the possible tax effects of 'ERTE' temporary layoff procedures

    As a result of the economic circumstances caused by the health crisis, a great many companies are implementing temporary layoff procedures for suspension of work or reduction of hours, based on force majeure grounds or economic, technical,…

  • COVID-19: Last opportunity until April 30 to elect the monthly refund scheme with effect from April 2020

    As we recalled in our alert on April 15 (see here), companies that have already elected the REDEME monthly refund scheme have a few days left for electing this scheme with effect in their April returns (a few more days for those filing quarterly…

  • COVID- 19: Is the extension of deadlines for filing returns other than for VAT or corporate income tax restricted for small and medium-sized companies included in tax groups?

    On April 15, 2020, the Official State Gazette -BOE- published Royal Decree-Law 14/2020, of April 14, 2020, extending the filing and payment deadline for certain tax returns and self-assessments (see our alert). This extension benefits taxpayers that…

  • COVID-19: Main legislative or regulatory initiatives that have been taken in Portugal

    Pandemic has entered the world’s daily vocabulary in the most dramatic and unexpected way. As the severity of the situation worsens, a growing number of legislative initiatives attempt to address the needs of citizens and society in the face…

  • COVID-19: Tax measures implemented by the Peruvian Government in response to the health crisis

    In the context of the current health crisis generated by the spread of COVID-19, the Peruvian Government has issued several fiscal measures, mainly aimed at providing a flexible regulatory scheme for the fulfilment of tax obligations and the…

  • View COVID-19 tax news on our international interactive map

    The health crisis created by the spread of COVID-19 has led governments worldwide to adopt tax measures in an attempt to soften the economic effects for individuals and companies. In this new context, Garrigues has been preparing and sending alerts…

  • COVID-19: Filing and payment deadline extended for tax returns of small and medium-sized companies and the self-employed

    On April 15, 2020, the Official State Gazette -BOE- published Royal Decree-Law 14/2020, of April 14, 2020, extending the filing and payment deadline for certain tax returns and self-assessments. This extension benefits small and medium-sized…