

Publications - Tax

  • Wealth tax renewed for 2020 and other tax measures

    On December 27 the council of ministers approved Royal Decree-Law 18/2019 (published in the Official State Gazette on December 28 and in force a day later) adopting tax and cadastral measures along the same lines as in previous years.

  • Minimum severance payment for termination of a senior manager's employment is also exempt

    Supreme Court has concluded in a judgment on November 5, 2019 (appeal 2727/2017) that severance paid to senior managers for termination of their employment by unilateral decision of the employer at seven days per year of service with a limit of…

  • According to the CJEU, the higher tax for dividends received by foreign pension funds is in breach of the Treaty

    The Court of Justice of the European Union has held that the higher taxation on dividends received by pension funds resident in third countries in comparison with the exemption applicable to resident funds is an unjustified infringement of free…

  • Transfer pricing: here’s what the rules in Latin America look like

    Here is a summary of the transfer pricing rules in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

  • Simplex +: Portugal simplifies invoices

    The Simplex + program aims to reduce bureaucracy and streamline the issuance and archive of invoices procedures.

  • Deadline to inform the tax authorities about the establishments where invoices are issued was extended to 30/06/2020

    As mentioned before, SIMPLEX+ Program created a new obligation of communication that VAT taxpayers have to comply, electronically, in order to inform the Portuguese tax authorities (“PTA”) about their establishments where invoices are…

  • The new Protocol of the Spain-US tax treaty has been published in the Official State Gazette

    The new tax treaty will take effect on 27 November 2019.

  • New procedures approved for providing proof of tax residence of foreign pension funds and collective investment vehicles

    The aim is to remove obstacles faced by some entities for accessing exemptions due to difficulty to prove their tax residence.

  • Amendments to tax legislation have been approved

    The amendments approved by Law no. 119/2019, of 18 September 2019, respects to different matters, in particular to Personal Income Tax (“PIT”), Corporate Income Tax (“CIT”) and VAT, as well as some tax procedures have…

  • Stamp Tax monthly declaration has been finally approved, to be submitted as from 2020

    Ministerial Order no. 339/2019, of October 1st, was officially published, which approves the official form of the Stamp Tax Monthly Declaration and respective filing instructions.

  • Spanish Ministry of Finance opens public consultation period for intra-Community VAT amendments set to come into force on January 1

    Ministry of Finance has published a draft law and a preliminary bill for a royal decree to implement in Spain the EU provisions introducing changes in relation to VAT in intra-Community trade in goods and opens the period for comments and public…

  • The Peruvian Tax Administration (SUNAT) published a resolution that establishes the procedure, deadlines and conditions for submitting the Ultimate Beneficiary Informative Return

    Legislative Decree No. 1372, whose regulation was approved through Supreme Decree No. 003-2019-EF, established that legal persons and legal arrangements have the obligation to inform SUNAT about the identity of their ultimate beneficiaries.…