

Publications - Tax

  • Budget Proposals 19 - Poll Mode

    The Portuguese Budget Bill for 2019 was presented to the Parliament on 15 of October 2018. 

  • Insight into the Upcoming New Individual Income Tax Law: A Remarkable Revolution in Chinese Taxation

    The Individual Income Tax (“IIT”) Law of the People’s Republic of China (“China” or “PRC”, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) was first introduced in 1980. The prevailing IIT Law of PRC was revised in…

  • Regulation of the Legal Framework of the Central Registry of Ultimate Beneficial Owners

    Ministerial Order no. 233/2018, of August 21st, was officially published, which regulates the Legal Framework of the Central Registry of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (“RCBE”), approved by Law no. 89/2017, of August 21st.

  • Amendments to the Tax Incentives Statute

    Law no. 43/2018, of August 9th, was officially published, which amends and extends the deadline of some articles of the Tax Incentives Statute (“EBF”).

  • Electronic forms have now to be made available by the tax authorities with a minimum advanced period of 120 days

    Law no. 39/2018, of August 8th, was officially published, which establishes a minimum advance period of 120 days for the Portuguese Tax Authorities (“PTA”) provide the digital forms necessary to comply with the obligations regarding tax…

  • What’s hotel management and what’s not (despite appearances)?

    Article by José Manuel Cardona, partner at Tax department of Garrigues in Palma ('CEHAT').

  • General Budget Law for 2018 introduces important tax measures

    The General State Budget Law (Law 6/2018, of July 3, 2018) has brought in some interesting new tax legislation.

  • The new reporting obligation on intermediaries and relevant taxpayers for international transactions with potentially aggressive tax planning arrangements

    Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 (the Directive) of 25 May 2018 amending Directive 2011/16/EU as regards mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation in relation to reportable cross-border arrangements was published in the…

  • Financial and Tax Report obligation for multinational groups (Country-by-Country Report)

    We remind that it should be delivered, electronically, to the Portuguese Tax Authorities, until 31 May 2018, the declaration Form 54 relative to fiscal year 2017 (for taxable persons with a taxable period equal to the civil year), in order to…

  • Spain is set to eliminate in its Budget Law the “regionalization” of the Tax on Hydrocarbons

    The Bill for the 2018 General State Budget Law includes a measure which will eliminate the “regionalization” of the Tax on Hydrocarbons (IH), resulting in an increase in the rate of taxation at central government level. 

  • The European Commission launches its proposals for the taxation of the digital economy

    On March 21, 2018 the European Commission announced the submission of two legislative proposals to the European Council and the Parliament, with a view to ensuring the fair taxation of digital business activities in the EU.

  • The OECD and the European Union further shape their approaches to taxation of the digital economy

    On March 16, 2018, the OECD published an interim report addressing the tax challenges of the digital economy. This report, which, for the moment, highlights the absence of true international agreement on the matter, lays the groundwork for moving…