

Publications - Tax

  • Budget Law - Portugal 2016 - Garrigues Summary - Shifting Sands

    The Budget Law for 2016 (Law n.º 7-A/2016)  was published on 30 of March 2016. The Budget Law provides for several tax measures impacting on areas that range from corporate tax, indirect taxes, real estate taxes and personal income tax.…

  • Portugal: Budget Bill for 2016 - Garrigues Summary - Shifting Sands

    The Budget Bill for 2016 was presented to the Parliament on 5 February 2016. The Budget Bill provides for several tax measures impacting on areas that range from corporate tax, indirect taxes, real estate taxes and personal income tax.…

  • The reform of the regime for monetization of deferred tax assets in the General Budget Law for 2016

    Royal Decree-Law 14/2013 introduced into corporate income tax law a regime for the conversion of deferred tax assets (“DTAs”). The regime consisted of a new timing of recognition rule in the tax base for certain provisions for the…

  • Amendment of the General Taxation Law

    On September 22, 2015, Law 34/2015, of September 21, 2015, partially amending General Taxation Law 58/2003, of December 17, 2003 was published in the Official State Gazette. It will enter into force, in general, twenty days after its publication in…

  • Commentary Tax Mexico - Tax matters of the Economic Reform Package

  • Nuevo Reglamento del Impuesto sobre Sociedades

    Royal Decree 634/2015, of July 10, 2015, approving the Corporate Income Tax Regulations (the “RIS”) was published in the Official State Gazette on July 11, 2015. What has actually been approved is a new set of regulations to adapt and…

  • Real Decreto-Ley 9/2015, de 2015, de 10 de julio Nuevas escalas de gravamen y tipos de retención para 2015

    The Official State Gazette of July 11, 2015 has published Royal Decree-Law 9/2015, of July 10, 2015, on urgent measures to reduce the tax burden on personal income taxpayers and other urgent economic measures.

  • Amendment of the Personal Income Tax Regulations and of the Nonresident Income Tax Regulations

    On June 11, 2015, the Official State Gazette published Royal Decree 633/2015, of July 10, 2015, amending the Personal Income Tax Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 439/2007, of March 30, 2007 (the “Personal Income Tax Regulations” or…

  • China Commentary 1-2015

    Updates on Enterprise Income Tax Treatments for Restructuring

  • Chinese Taxation Recent Updates

    Circular 16, Circular 7, Circular 109 and Circular 14.

  • EU State Aids and Tax Law

    On 7 November 2014 the General Court of the European Union (‘General Court’) rendered two landmark judgments shedding light on the boundaries of the key notion of ‘selectivity’ in tax-related State aid cases. The judgments quashed two European…

  • Tax Commentary 11-2014

    New Tax Legislation in the Budget Law for 2015