

Publications - Securities Markets

  • The CNMV's new guide on audit committees includes new indications on sustainability reporting

    The updated document brings the terminology used into line with the provisions of the CSRD Directive, draws a distinction between the roles of audit committees and those of sustainability committees, and offers recommendations regarding the…

  • 2024: main new legislation needing to be considered by companies in Spain

    Professionals in the various practice areas at Garrigues take a look, from all angles of business law, at the main new legislation that companies will face in the coming year.

  • EU: The Regulation allowing securitization bonds to be designated as European Green Bonds has been published

    European Regulation 2023/2631, which will become applicable on December 21, 2024, envisages this option for securitization bonds, except in the case of bonds issued for synthetic securitization purposes.

  • The Mexican Senate has approved an initiative to reform the Securities Market Law and the Investment Funds Law

    The initiative, which envisages some important changes aimed at making the Mexican stock market more flexible, must continue its legislative passage and may undergo amendments before being definitively approved.

  • The key elements of the new Spanish Securities Markets Law

    The new Law approved systematizes and reorganizes the Spanish securities market regulation, adapts it to the recent provisions in several European directives, particularly in the area of crypto-assets and distributed ledger technologies, and…

  • 2023: The most significant legal developments that companies in Spain should keep on their radar

    Garrigues analyzes from every business law angle the most significant legislative changes that are due to arrive next year.

  • REITs or SIGIs: an alternative for investment in real estate assets in Portugal

    Garrigues Portugal offers a detailed analysis of the legal regime of Real Estate Investment and Management Companies (SIGI) in the latest edition of the EPRA Global REIT 2021 Study. The firm's experts explain the key factors to take into…

  • COVID-19: Extension of the term for the granting of ICO guarantee facilities relating to commercial paper notes traded on MARF and increase of the market capitalization threshold determining the obligation to list shares on a regulated market

    Royal Decree-Law 34/2020, of November 17, 2020, on urgent measures to support business solvency and the energy sector, and on tax matters (RDL 34/2020), published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on 18 November 2020, further extends the term for…

  • COVID-19: CNMV and the Spanish Registrars’ Association issue joint statement on financial statements and proposed allocation of profit/loss

    In the context of the extraordinary situation stemming from the COVID-19 health crisis, the Spanish Registrars’ Association and the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) issued a joint statement on March 26, 2020, in which they…

  • COVID-19: What should companies be aware of in the next few days?

    The global health alert triggered by the spread of the new coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19, is creating great challenges for companies. Governments around the world are tackling the situation by approving drastic…

  • Spain: Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 of March 17, 2020 launches urgent and extraordinary measures to confront the economic and social impact of COVID-19

    The March 18, 2020 edition of the Official State Gazette has published Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 of March 17, 2020 on urgent and extraordinary measures to confront the economic and social impact of COVID-19. The decree-law comes into force on its…

  • CNMV renders 2013 criteria on discretionary treasury stock transactions ineffective

    The Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) informed on January 13, 2020 of its decision to render ineffective the criteria addressed to issuers of securities for their discretionary treasury stock transactions, published in 2013. These…