


  • Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce maintains merger control thresholds

    The Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) issued Resolution 93503 of 2018 which sets the value of operational revenue and/or total domestic assets that shall be taken into consideration when evaluating the need of conducting…

  • Colombia: financial institutions can invest in fintech companies

    In order to maximize the benefits that innovation brings to the finance industry and thereby to increase people’s access to financial services, the Colombian Ministry of Finance issued Decree 2443 of 2018, authorizing credit establishments,…

  • Colombia: financial institutions can invest in fintech companies

    In order to maximize the benefits that innovation brings to the finance industry and thereby to increase people’s access to financial services, the Colombian Ministry of Finance issued Decree 2443 of 2018, authorizing credit establishments,…

  • Employment contracts can now be signed electronically in Colombia

    During the Workshop on Digital Advances in Employment held on December 5, 2018, the Colombian Minister of Labor, Alicia Arango, announced that electronic and digital signatures are now permitted for employment contracts.

  • New rules issued for authorizing savings and deposit products in Colombia

    In order to issue instructions regarding the rules for authorizing regulations for products from the electronic savings and deposit sections, and the mechanisms for resolving bridge banks, the Colombian Finance Authority (SFC) has issued External…

  • This is what the Colombian government’s tax reform bill looks like

    We are offering a summary of the main tax amendments proposed by the Government. As it is a bill, it may undergo substantial changes when discussed in Congress.

  • How is the right to vacation time regulated in Latin America?

    In light of the publication of Legislative Decree 1405 (09.12.18), which reforms the right to vacation time in Peru, we set out below an overview of the main legal provisions regulating the right to vacation time in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile…

  • The Colombian Congress considers a bill to regulate the use of cryptocurrencies

    Proposed Law 028/2018 has come before the Colombian Congress, seeking to regulate the use of cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency transactions in Colombia and to lay down measures to safeguard, monitor, inspect and oversee these types of transactions.

  • The VAR, from Football to Law

    José Miguel de la Calle, partner at Administrative Law department of Garrigues in Bogota.

  • Data protection regulation in Latin America and the impact of the GDPR

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is compulsory as from today, is a complex regulation that extends beyond the borders of Europe. The new rules will affect all companies, regardless of their location, that handle data of…

  • Decree 415 of 2018 modifies the capital requirements of some financial institutions

    The Colombian government issued Decree 415 of March 2 of 2018 which modifies the capital requirements applicable to trust companies, managers of pension and severance funds, stock brokerage companies, investment management companies and insurance…

  • Can the stand-in of a board of directors give the power to a third party?

    Ignacio Londoño, partner of Garrigues Colombia ('Asuntos Legales'). CONTENT IN SPANISH