


  • VAT - Non-profit initiatives to support fire victims

    Order no. 232/2017, of 22 June, of the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs was published, providing that the PTA shall make available on its website a form and instructions facilitating the channeling of VAT fund collected in non-profit fund-…

  • Approval of the appropriation regime applicable to commercial pledges

    On 26 June, the regime applicable to the appropriation of the pledged asset under a commercial pledge agreement was approved by Decree-Law no. 75/2017, of 26 June 2017. 

  • PIT/CIT - Double Taxation Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of San Marino

    Notice no. 61/2017, of 27 June, was officially published, confirming verbal statements by the Embassy of Portugal in Rome and by the Embassy of the Republic of San Marino in Rome, that the internal constitutional formalities have been fulfilled to…

  • GTL – Cross-border Transactions Declaration (“Modelo 38”)

    Ordinance n.º 191/2017, of 16 June, was officially published which approves the new declaration form and respective filling instructions, known as Cross-border Transactions Declaration (“Modelo 38”), in order to comply with the…

  • New benefits regarding admission of employees

    It was published today in the Official Gazette the Decree-Law No. 72/2017, of June 21st, establishing incentives in case of admission of persons looking for their first job and long-term and very long-term unemployed persons, through partial or…

  • VAT - Place of supply of services relating to immovable property

    Ruling no. 30191, of 8 June was disclosed on the Portuguese Tax Authorities’ website, clarifying that articles 13b, 31a and 31b of Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1042/2013, of 7 October which define the concept of…

  • Transposition of the European Union Directive on action for damages for infringements of Competition law

    On May 27, 2017, the Official State Gazette (“BOE”) published Royal Decree-Law 9/2017, of May 26, 2017, transposing into Spanish law various European Union directives in the financial, corporate/commercial and health fields, and on the…

  • IES – New deadline

    Order no. 212/2017, of 31 May, of the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, was disclosed which extends the deadline for the submission of the Simplified Company Information (“IES”) from 15 July to 22 July 2017, without any additions or…

  • VAT - Regulation of the electronic system for travelers' data reporting

    Ordinance no. 185/2017, of 1 June was officially published, regulating Decree-Law no. 19/2017, of 14 February, which implemented an electronic system for travelers' data reporting and respective purchases, in order to benefit from the…

  • PIT - New statement model "Declaração de Títulos de Compensação Extrassalarial (Modelo 18)"

    Ordinance no. 180/2017, of 31 May, was officially published which approves the new statement model "Declaração de Títulos de Compensação Extrassalarial (Modelo 18)" and respective filling instructions, for complying with the obligation…

  • VT - Simplification of the Automotive Taxation System

    Decree-Law no. 53/2017, of 31 May was officially published, which amends the Vehicle Tax Code, dematerializing the declaratory formalities for all taxable persons.

  • New rules regarding posting of workers

    Law no. 29/2017, of  May 30th, was published, transforming into national law the Directive 2014/67/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 15th, 2014, concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of…