


  • China’s Personal Information Protection Law: things you need to know

    Recently, China formally passed the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), which is the first comprehensive national level personal data protection law of this country. PIPL will become effective as of November 1, 2021, leaving a short time for…

  • Recent Chinese tax regulation updates regarding outbound remittance

    Taxpayers should pay attention to the following Chinese tax regulation updates regarding outbound remittance in China: one record filing for multiple remittances under one contract and the cancelation of the Local Tax Surcharges related to…

  • Do your Chinese entities need to contribute the PRC Social Security for your foreign employees working in China?

    The subjected question is one of most popular questions raised by the foreign invested entities in China. Our answer is YES. The Chinese entities need to contribute the PRC social security for foreign employees working in China, and said foreign…

  • China’s Supreme People’s Court sets rules for facial recognition technology

    On July 28, 2021, China’s Supreme People’s Court (the top judicial authority) published the 'Provisions on Relevant Issues on the Application of Laws in Hearing Civil Cases Related to the Application of Facial Recognition…

  • China sets new rules on security vulnerability of network products

    China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), Cybersecurity Administration of China (CAC) and Ministry of Public Security (MPS) jointly published the Provisions on Administration of Security Vulnerability of Network Products…

  • China to enhance cybersecurity review measures

    A few days ago, Cyber Administration of China (CAC) has shaken the online business sector with the cybersecurity review on Didi (world’s biggest online ride-hailing company) and other three online business companies to prevent data security…

  • China’s Shenzhen City Enacted Regional Data Regulation

    Shenzhen, the leading financial and production center for China and home of many Chinese internet and tech giants such as Huawei, Tencent and DJI, enacted its regional data protection law, Data Regulation of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (…

  • China to amend its Anti-Money Laundering Law

    In June of 2021, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC, China’s central bank and major financial regulator) published the draft version of amended Anti-Money Laundering Law (Amended AML Law) seeking for public opinion[1]. Amended AML Law…

  • Data protection: Chinese authorities put compliance pressures on online business operators

    On July 2, 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced on its website that it has started a cybersecurity review on Didi (world’s biggest online ride-hailing company), and during the review Didi is not allowed to register new…

  • The new double taxation agreement between Spain and China has also entered into force in China

    The new double taxation agreement between Spain and China has now also completed the internal legislative procedure in China, and, thus, has entered into force, according to Announcement (2021) No. 16, which was issued by the State Administration of…

  • Review on China’s Recent Law Enforcement for Data Protection of Apps

    Chinese Government recently enhanced the regulations on mobile apps’ data processing through new regulations and active law enforcement actions . On March 22, 2021, Cybersecurity Administration of China (CAC) jointly with other government…

  • China passes Data Security Law

    On June 10, 2021, China's National People’s Congress Standing Committee passed the Data Security Law (DSL). The DSL will become effective as of September 1, 2021, leaving less than three months for companies to adapt to the new data…