


  • China passes Data Security Law

    On June 10, 2021, China's National People’s Congress Standing Committee passed the Data Security Law (DSL). The DSL will become effective as of September 1, 2021, leaving less than three months for companies to adapt to the new data…

  • Keys to the enforcement of foreign arbitration awards in mainland China

    China has been building up and improving its legal regime for recognition and enforcement of foreign awards since the nation joined the New York Convention in the 1980’s. In this article we give an overview on the key issues regarding the…

  • China Issued New Version of Data Security Law

    China recently published the second version of the draft Data Security Law (DSL) with the purpose of seeking public opinions. According to the legislative plan of its legislative authority, China will formally enact the DSL within 2021. Hence the…

  • China Issued Second Draft of Personal Information Protection Law

    China published the second version of its draft Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) recently to seek public comments until May 28, 2021. Most of the articles of the previous draft PIPL have been maintained in this second draft (Second Draft)…

  • A new double taxation agreement between Spain and China has been published

    The March 30, 2021 edition of the Official State Gazette published the new Agreement between China and Spain for the elimination of double taxation, done at Madrid on November 28, 2018. 

  • Individual Income Tax Impact on Change of Tax Residence Status of Non-domiciled Individuals

    Due to the worldwide impact of COVID-19 Pandemic, some foreign expatriates working in China are unable to return to work in China or travel abroad for overseas work functions. The extended or shortened staying days in China affect the tax residence…

  • Impact of COVID-19 on International Arbitration: Chinese arbitral institutions work to keep proceedings running

    Despite uncertainties on arbitration regulations in China, the countrie´s arbitral institutions push to offer the best alternatives to adapt to the “new normal”.

  • COVID-19: Chinese preferential policies in favor of SMEs

    The Chinese central and local government have issued a series of preferential policies in order to ease the burdens of the enterprises in mainland China, in particular, the SMEs, which are affected by the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP).

  • China approves extraordinary tax policies for coronavirus pneumonia epidemic

    The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) jointly issued a series of preferential tax policies focusing on key areas and key industries of novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) prevention and control (Policies), which come…

  • Highlights of the Revised Negative Lists for Foreign Investment Access

    “Special Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment Access (Negative List) (2019 Edition)” and the “Special Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment Access in Pilot Free Trade Zones (Negative List) (2019 Edition)”…

  • Things to know on the Chinese pricing tag

    To the retail operators, administrative penalty imposed on price cheating is one of the most common administrative penalties they would face in their daily operation. Price Cheating, as provided in the Pricing Law of the People's Republic…

  • Implementation of Scope Expansion of Deferred Withholding Tax Policy on Distributed Profits Reinvested by Foreign Investors for Direct Investment

    The Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT), the National Development and Reform Committee and the Ministry of Commerce have jointly released Cai Shui (2018) No. 102, Circular on Expanding the Applicable Scope of the…