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  • Mexico: Bill submitted to tax inheritances and donations exceeding 15 million pesos

    On March 4, 2025, a bill was submitted to the Congress of Mexico City, proposing a decree to amend the Income Tax Law (ISR). The bill seeks to modify Articles 93, 130, and 132, as well as to add a new article 132 bis, with the objective of imposing…

  • Mexico City implements a new voluntary informative declaration on the occupation of residential properties

    Starting in 2025, taxpayers obligated to pay the property tax in Mexico City will be required to submit an annual declaration regarding the occupancy status of their properties. This measure, which is voluntary and informative, applies only to…

  • Mexico: INFONAVIT Law and Federal Labor Law amended to include new obligations for employers

    On February 21, 2025, the reform that amends and repeals various provisions of the Law of the National Workers' Housing Fund Institute (INFONAVIT) and the Federal Labor Law was published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) to include new…

  • The CJEU confirms the multi-jurisdictional competence of EU courts in patent litigation

    In a recent ruling on the case of BSH v. Electrolux (C-339/22), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has held that patent holders may bring claims for infringement of multiple national designations of a European patent in a single…