Garrigues Sustainable

Common sense for a common future

Sustainability is the only way to guarantee the future of the world we share. For many years now, it has been one of Garrigues’ key strategic pillars, on two fronts:

We help our clients on the road to sustainable development, in the conviction that sustainable companies will emerge stronger from any challenge. We bring know-how, experience and common sense to a constantly changing, disruptive and at times confusing landscape that requires a globally coordinated response underpinned by science and the law.

We are committed to pursuing our activities in accordance with the UN Global Compact and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We work to ensure diversity and equal opportunities and to protect the environment, minimizing our greenhouse gas emissions and fostering wider environmental awareness.

Garrigues Sustainable service lines

Sustainability, which encompasses environmental, social and governance factors, among others, is one of the keys to long-term value creation for companies, and entails myriad challenges and opportunities for our clients worldwide. Conscious of this and of the competitive edge gained by companies that take a holistic approach, Garrigues led the way 20 years ago in creating G-advisory, a technical consultancy arm specializing in energy and ESG matters that has led technical due diligence reviews and projects in over 35 countries. In 2011 the firm launched the corporate governance and corporate social responsibility service line. Today it provides advisory services under the umbrella of Garrigues Sustainable, a multidisciplinary resource comprising experts in all areas of business law as well as in major business sectors and specialist sustainability-led niches.

  • Corporate governance and sustainable development

    We advise boards of directors on sustainability-related legal obligations and good governance recommendations (duty of care, transparency, etc.). We also assist them in defining policies, evaluation methodologies and risk control mechanisms.
  • Environmental

    Our advisory services cover all technical, legal and environmental aspects companies should bear in mind when it comes to preparing strategies and complying with regulations.
  • Compliance and non-financial risks

    We help companies promote a compliance culture throughout their entire value chain by advising them on the design of management systems and organizational and internal control models. We also help them create corporate compliance programs.
  • Sustainable public procurement

    We advise on compliance with statutory requirements of a social, ethical and environmental nature as part of public procurement processes carried out by public sector authorities and entities.
  • Tax governance, best practices and tax compliance

    We provide advice on good tax governance, best tax practices and policies and tax compliance systems. We advise clients on how to best cooperate with tax authorities and we prepare tax transparency reports.
  • Project finance for renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental infrastructure

    We offer comprehensive advisory services for project finance and all aspects of environmental, legal, technical, corporate and contract due diligence reviews.
  • Sustainable mobility

    We provide full legal assistance in connection with all sustainable mobility formulas, whether currently in place or in the pipeline.
  • Gender equality, diversity, health and safety and human rights

    We analyze the situation at companies and advise them on best practices for gender equality, work/life balance, occupational health and safety and human rights. We also provide support in collective bargaining of the related plans and policies.
  • Green transition

    Our team delivers legal and technical advice to companies on the transition to a low-carbon economy and the implications for business, as well as on the application of international, national and local legislation.
  • Sustainable financing

    We provide technical and legal advice on green deals (bond issues, loans, etc.). We help companies define their ESG frameworks and the legal structure of the sustainability components. We also provide second-party opinions.
  • Compensation plans with sustainability criteria

    We construct variable compensation systems that factor in sustainability criteria. We help clients define their targets and measure progress.
  • Sustainable tourism

    Through our legal advice to tourism companies, public institutions and regional and municipal authorities, we help drive tourism as an economic activity and sustainable social venture.

The Garrigues Sustainable Dialogs

Cycle of webinars in which the firm’s professionals invite one guest on each occasion, with whom to discuss key aspects related to ESG in the life of a company.