Sustainability is the only way to guarantee the future of the world we share. For many years now, it has been one of Garrigues’ key strategic pillars, on two fronts:
We help our clients on the road to sustainable development, in the conviction that sustainable companies will emerge stronger from any challenge. We bring know-how, experience and common sense to a constantly changing, disruptive and at times confusing landscape that requires a globally coordinated response underpinned by science and the law.
We are committed to pursuing our activities in accordance with the UN Global Compact and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We work to ensure diversity and equal opportunities and to protect the environment, minimizing our greenhouse gas emissions and fostering wider environmental awareness.
Garrigues Sustainable service lines
Sustainability, which encompasses environmental, social and governance factors, among others, is one of the keys to long-term value creation for companies, and entails myriad challenges and opportunities for our clients worldwide. Conscious of this and of the competitive edge gained by companies that take a holistic approach, Garrigues led the way 20 years ago in creating G-advisory, a technical consultancy arm specializing in energy and ESG matters that has led technical due diligence reviews and projects in over 35 countries. In 2011 the firm launched the corporate governance and corporate social responsibility service line. Today it provides advisory services under the umbrella of Garrigues Sustainable, a multidisciplinary resource comprising experts in all areas of business law as well as in major business sectors and specialist sustainability-led niches.
Gender equality, diversity, health and safety and human rights
We analyze the situation at companies and advise them on best practices for gender equality, work/life balance, occupational health and safety and human rights. We also provide support in collective bargaining of the related plans and policies.
The Garrigues Sustainable Dialogs
Cycle of webinars in which the firm’s professionals invite one guest on each occasion, with whom to discuss key aspects related to ESG in the life of a company.
Public and private sector coordination is essential to achieve the set sustainability targets
In a new edition we looked at present and future challenges related to ESG and natural resources in the Madrid region.
The role of sustainability in institutional investors’ decision-making and what proxy advisors do
The embedding of ESG factors in corporate governance and the prominent role of proxy advisors were key topics in the seminar How Institutional and Proxy Advisors Approach Sustainability at Listed…
CSRD: practical aspects to be borne in mind when preparing the sustainability report
We covered the most relevant and complex legal and technical aspects that companies should consider when drafting their sustainability report pursuant to the CSRD Directive.
New obligations resulting from the European directive on pay transparency that companies will have to face
We discuss the main changes that the new European directive on pay transparency, approved in 2023, will entail, and how Spanish companies can prepare for its transposition.
The clock starts ticking for companies following approval of the corporate sustainability due diligence directive
The EU act setting out companies’ obligations in relation to the human rights and environmental impacts of their activities is already a reality. Companies are now well advised to familiarize…
The drinks packaging industry and a tsunami of ESG rules and regulations
We look at the changing and hugely complex context that the industry is having to face, following the recently approved waste measures, to be able to continue on its path towards a more circular…
Reflecting sustainability criteria in pay is key to achieving ESG goals
An increasing number of companies are taking sustainability criteria into consideration not only in executive and director pay, but also in the pay of their staff as a whole, in order to better…
Takeaways from COP28 from a European perspective
Following the conclusion of the Climate Summit, we analyze the agreements reached and the challenges that the goals it set raise at the European level.
The proposed corporate sustainability due diligence directive: a huge challenge that companies need to be prepared for
Coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the legislation being prepared by the European Union in this area and, more specifically, the proposal for a…
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and reporting standards: are companies and assurance providers ready?
We analyze the challenges and opportunities of the new regulation for companies and assurance providers.
Challenges and opportunities in renewable energy financing in Spain
Experts in renewable energy financing addressed, in a discussion led by Garrigues and G-advisory, the current state of financing for these kinds of projects in Spain.
ESG ratings: sustainability ratings move forward in tandem with credit ratings
Two analysts, one from a credit agency and another from a sustainability rating agency, analyze, together with Garrigues, the keys to assessing ESG factors at companies
The challenges that Spain must tackle to be a leader in the production and storage of green hydrogen in Europe, which everyone foresees
Spain must resolutely tackle technological, production-related and transportation challenges, as well as deep changes in industry and the need to implement a legal and financing framework that is…
Criminal compliance models as an indicator of the management of ESG factors and sustainability in companies
Gabriel Castro and Beatriz Bustamante, partner and principal associate, respectively, of the Garrigues Litigation and Arbitration Department, and Juan Pablo Regojo, director of the Compliance Unit…
Sustainable mobility: a challenge for the public and private sector with legal developments on the horizon
Garrigues experts in the areas of transportation, logistics and mobility analyze the main regulatory challenges in the field of mobility, led by Alfonso Cuenca, legal adviser to the Spanish…
Governance and fiscal control as a key element of good corporate governance
José Vicente Iglesias, a partner in Garrigues’ Tax Department, discussed with Javier Martín, professor of Financial and Tax Law, the increasing importance attached to taxation from the corporate…
Green bonds, an opportunity for fostering sustainable tourism
Partners from Garrigues met with Meliá and Azora executives to discuss the role green bonds can play in the tourism industry, in the latest Garrigues Sustainable Dialogs encounter.
The new Law on waste and contaminated land for a circular economy: challenges and chances
Garrigues experts Javier Fernández Rivaya, Victoria Esteban and José María Cobos, and from G-advisory, Máximo Martín, analyze key elements of the new law from legal, tax and technical angles.
The role of green public procurement in mobilizing efforts towards more sustainable development
Garrigues partners Juan Manuel Cabeza and Javier Fernández Rivaya together with Rafael Domínguez Olivera, chief government lawyer in the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, examine…
Labor relations and the commitment to sustainability
Sustainability in labor relations is occupying an increasingly bigger strategic space in corporate agendas. The partner in charge of Sustainable Garrigues, Rosa Zarza, was able to discuss these…
Sustainability brings a new perspective for boards and shareholders’ meetings
Garrigues partners Sergio González Galán and Eduardo Gómez de Salazar talked to Carlos Sáez Gallego, Spain country head at proxy solicitor Georgeson, as part of the Garrigues Sustainable Dialogs…
Following the Paris Agreement, COP26 calls for action
The director general of the Spanish Climate Change Agency, Valvanera Ulargui, has reviewed the conclusions of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), in which she took part, analyzing…
The EIB spells out its commitment to green finance
This first ‘webinar’, dedicated to sustainable finance, addressed the requirements of the European Union and the EIB in matters of green bonds and loans.