Artificial Intelligence



  • Publication of the Artificial Intelligence Act: the countdown commences for its complete entry into force

    This European regulation, which marks a first worldwide, includes, apart from control mechanisms, measures to promote the development of these technologies sustainably.
  • Regulating AI in the EU, US and OECD: the difficult balance between security and driving innovation

    The regulations that are starting to emerge in various different jurisdictions pose major challenges, not just for users, but also for developers of AI systems. In this article we will look at the main differences and the areas of common ground.
  • Generative AI: Can data models be protected?

    Data models, which are the “brain” of artificial intelligence systems cannot be protected under intellectual property law. In principle, they are not patentable either, but they could perhaps be protected as trade secrets. Let’s take a look at what is the angle in Spain. 
  • Spain: The artificial intelligence regulatory "sandbox" has arrived

    Spain plans to set up a controlled testing facility to ensure that this technology develops in line with European legislation.
  • The challenges of European AI regulation for the financial sector

    Artificial intelligence has enormous potential for financial institutions. Therefore, in addressing its regulation, the aim is to provide a framework of legal certainty to facilitate its adoption and also to address the challenges and risks for the sector, customers and supervisors.
  • The European Union's role guarding fundamental rights in the artificial intelligence framework: ‘nulla IA sine ethica et sine lege’

    The European Union has taken the lead with a proposal of regulation for AI, that encourages better conditions for the development and use of this technology. The key will be to achieve a regulatory framework that strikes the balance between fostering innovation and guaranteeing a human-centric, ethical and responsible AI.
  • Artificial intelligence in international arbitration: from the legal prediction to the awards issued by robots

    Following the vertiginous advances in artificial intelligence, there has been much speculation over which professions and tasks will be replaced by robots. International arbitration has not escaped these thoughts. Although the future time when arbitrators will be replaced by robots continues to be a long way off, artificial intelligence is already making its presence felt in international arbitration and this will increase in the foreseeable future.
  • Artificial intelligence is transforming the legal services industry and will lead to better quality client service

    Artificial intelligence is transforming the legal services industry and its main effect will be better quality client service. This was one of the main conclusions of the round table entitled How artificial intelligence is changing law firms, held today as part of South Summit, the summit for entrepreneurs in Southern Europe, which runs this week in Madrid.