


  • Buying properties in Spain (II): key technical steps for Polish investors

    Navigating the intricacies of property acquisition in Spain, especially for Polish buyers, requires a grasp of technicalities. From the pivotal signing of sales contracts to financing options, this article explores in detail the essential steps for a smooth transaction process.
  • Poland: Amendment of the Wind Energy Investment Act opens up new development opportunities

    La Cámara Baja del Parlamento polaco (Sejm) aprobó, el 8 de febrero de 2023, una enmienda de la Ley de Inversión en Parques Eólicos y algunas otras leyes. Hasta su enmienda, la ley limitaba las oportunidades de inversión en parques eólicos, al exigir su construcción a una distancia media de más de 1 km de los edificios de viviendas. Además, los residentes de los municipios en los que iban a instalarse los parques carecían de influencia alguna sobre las inversiones. La enmienda aprobada en el Sejm pretende resolver dichas cuestiones.
  • The reconstruction of Ukraine, an opportunity for European entrepreneurs

    Following Russia's aggression on February 24, 2022, Ukraine has been faced with the challenge of defending its borders, improving its administrative systems and rebuilding its damaged infrastructure.
  • Ukraine: tax preferences for companies in Poland providing humanitarian aid in the wake of the refugee crisis

    On March 12 2022 the Act on aid to citizens of Ukraine in connection with armed conflict on the territory of this country came into force. The special purpose act, in addition to regulating a number of issues related to the refugee’s stay in Poland, allows for favorable tax treatment of humanitarian aid expenditures incurred by corporations. At the same time, tax deductions that had already existed before the special purpose act came into force are still available for the taxpayers. The possibility of benefiting from both tax preferences for the same expenditures simultaneously remains an open question.
  • CPK: an ambitious Polish mobility project in the heart of Europe

    Poland has plans to build the largest infrastructure project in the EU connecting Europe and Asia and making the country a passenger and cargo hub. This initiative, expected to mobilize over €30,000 billion, presents an opportunity for Spanish companies, not only in construction but also in other sectors connected to the rail sector.
  • Significant changes to taxation affecting companies and individuals under the Polish New Deal

    On 8 September, the Polish Government referred to the Parliament (Parliamentary document No 1532) a proposal for extensive changes concerning, among other things, tax law, and affecting the tax situation of both foreign investors and domestic businesses, and individuals. It has been announced that the relevant legislative acts will be adopted by the end of September.
  • The government has announced new support programme for entrepreneurs: up to PLN 30 billion will be granted during the second quarter of 2021

    The government has announced the allocation of an additional PLN 30 billion to continue support for entrepreneurs under the new anti-crisis programme in the second quarter of 2021. In April alone, the amounts paid out to entrepreneurs will total PLN 7 billion - by comparison, in March the sum of support amounted to PLN 3 billion. According to the government's announcements, the measures will mainly focus on maintaining jobs, but the new programme is also to be a background of the spring economic rebound that will follow the third wave of the pandemic.
  • Poland approves changes in public procurement 2021

    On January 1, 2021, a new law on public procurement, adopted by the Polish Parliament on September 11, 2019, entered into force, (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 2019) . The new regulation aims to organize the public procurement system and further harmonize it with EU law.
  • Poland: New obligatory report concerning fulfilment of tax strategy by the end of 2021

    The provisions of the CIT Act, which came into force on 1 January 2021, oblige taxpayers with revenues exceeding EUR 50 million and tax capital groups, to prepare and publicly announce a tax strategy report.
  • A milestone for green deal in Poland: Act on the promotion of offshore wind farms is now signed

    On January 21, 2021, the President of the Republic of Poland signed the Act on the Promotion of Electricity Generation in Offshore Wind Farms (Offshore Act), which is expected to give momentum to the Polish renewable energy industry and form part of Poland's energy security system.