Tourism and Hotels



  • Spain: Transfers of hotels and tourist establishments: the Supreme Court marks the boundaries of the nontollable time period in audits of reported values of real estate assets

    A recent judgment by the Spanish Supreme Court has established case law on an issue that may be very relevant to audits of reported values in transfers of tourist-hotel properties. In light of the new case law, assessments already issued in concluded reported value audit proceedings should be checked in order to review their potential time-barring.  
  • Andalusia passes new decree-law to encourage renovation and modernization of its tourist accommodation establishments

    One of the measures adopted by the Andalusian government to contend with the effects wrought by the health crisis on the economy is the recent Decree-Law 14/2021, of July 6, 2021 (July 13, 2021 edition of the Junta de Andalucía Official Gazette). The decree´s name has all the makings of a statement of intent: “providing incentive measures for the renovation and modernization of tourist accommodation establishments”.
  • New regulation on hotels in Andalucía: changes are coming to the classification system and ‘Grand Luxe’ establishments, among others

    Andalucía has introduced a new legal regime for tourist accommodation in order to boost a sector  that has suffered from the consequences of the pandemic Among the measures adopted, it is worth to highlight  the new classification system; recovery of the ‘Grand Luxe’ rating; the possibility to use certain types of establishments, including student residences, temporarily as tourist accommodation; a new definition of tourist accommodation contract; or the inclusion of hostels as hotel establishments.
  • Hotel management or business lease, which is best?

  • The Parliament and the Council approve the Regulation to end geo-blocking

    On May 25, 2016 the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation to combat geographical blocking practices (geo-blocking) as part of its strategy to achieve a Digital Single Market. The three main objectives of this initiative are: to ensure that consumers and enterprises have better access to goods online; to create an environment in which digital networks and services can prosper; and to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the digital industry with a view to boosting economic growth.