Unión Europea



  • CJEU: a parent company may, 'a priori', be sued in its country for competition infringements committed by its subsidiaries in other Member States

    In a relevant judgment on the application of competition law at the European level, the CJEU confirms that, in competition matters, the "presumption of decisive influence" of a parent company over its subsidiary in competition matters allows, in the context of a follow-on action, both entities to be jointly sued in the Member State where the parent company is established.
  • The European Commission presents a Competitiveness Compass, which will simplify the regulatory burden of sustainability reporting, due diligence and taxonomy

    One of the targets of the Competitiveness Compass, which will guide the Commission’s work over the next five years, is to reduce the regulatory and administrative burden drastically. In this context, the Omnibus proposal, expected in February, will be designed to simplify the sustainability reporting, due diligence and taxonomy.
  • European Green Bonds are here and come with new post-issuance reporting standards

    The regulation establishing a standard for issuers using the designation 'European Green Bonds' (EuGB) is now in effect, but the legislative process is not yet complete: a new delegated regulation, currently under consultation, details all the post-issuance information that must be provided.
  • EU strengthens disclosure of ESG risks in credit institutions with new requirements

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3172 introduces new obligations for credit institutions, which will have to disclose half-yearly information on environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, as well as on the impacts of climate change. This regulation, applicable from January 2025, aims to improve transparency and consistency in prudential risk management.
  • EU strengthens sustainability in the insurance sector with new risk management obligations

    A new European directive introduces the concepts of "sustainability risk" and "sustainability factors" into the risk management of (re)insurers, obliging them to integrate them into their systems and strategic plans. It also relaxes disclosure requirements for small insurers.
  • Data Economy, Privacy and Cybersecurity Newsletter - December 2024

    In this newsletter, we offer the latest updates on everything related to the data economy, privacy and cybersecurity. We cover the most recent rulings from relevant authorities and agencies, key court decisions, and the most important news in this field.
  • When is there a right - and when not - to receive compensation for damages due to an infringement of data protection legislation according to the CJEU?

    The breach of data protection legislation can lead not just to penalties from the competent authorities, but also to the obligation to compensate the data subjects for the damages sustained. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has recently ruled on the subject, creating case law regarding the requirements and limits of civil liability in this area. In this article we will analyze the criteria offered to date by the CJEU.
  • The Official Journal of the European Union publishes the Regulation on prohibiting products made with forced labor on the Union market

    The regulation will include the possibility for the competent authorities to prohibit the placing and making available on the Union market of products made with forced labor or exporting such products. It may also require companies to withdraw and dispose of these products.
  • The EU sets out the basis for ESG ratings in finance

    A new regulation introduces the requirements to be met by ESG rating providers as well as the regulated financial undertakings using them and seeks to enhance their reliability and comparability.
  • The EU bolsters nature restoration: here is the new legislative framework for 2030 and 2050

    The Nature Restoration Regulation has a particular impact on companies in the food industry, in direct relationship with land and sea ecosystems that could be affected by the restoration obligation due to their degradation.