Unión Europea



  • The Supreme Court states that the existence of lingering effect resulting from a cartel is possible, but the plaintiff must prove it

    In a new judgment in the truck cartel litigation, the Spanish Supreme Court analyses for the first time the possible existence of a "lingering effect" arising from a collusive conduct, and declares that although it is theoretically possible, its existence cannot be presumed, but must be proven by the plaintiff.
  • Europe promotes repairs in its quest to achieve a circular economy

    Manufacturers will have to repair any goods for which the EU lays down repairability requirements where the defects are not due to the non-conformity of the goods with a sales contract.
  • Publication of the Artificial Intelligence Act: the countdown commences for its complete entry into force

    This European regulation, which marks a first worldwide, includes, apart from control mechanisms, measures to promote the development of these technologies sustainably.
  • The EU extends the list of environmentally unfriendly behaviour that can be punished under criminal law

    Directive 2024/1203 strengthens European environmental criminal law and requires Member states to ensure that such activities are punishable under their laws by 21 May 2026. It also establishes a profuse penalty regime that Member states will have to observe when determining the penalties to be imposed for such conducts.
  • The European Union sets its sights on the complete decarbonization of the building stock by 2050

    The new directive on the energy performance of buildings tackles the need to reduce the environmental impact of the building sector, which accounts for 40% of total energy consumption in the EU and 36% of its greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The CJEU rejects the parent company's right to claim damages suffered by its subsidiaries in other countries before the courts of its registered office

    A judgment of the CJEU concludes that, in claims for damages caused by infringement of competition law, it is not possible to rely on the principle of economic unity to interpret the forum of the "place where the harmful event occurred" as being the place where the parent company has its registered office when the affected parties are subsidiaries located in other Member States.
  • The European Council gives the green light to the directive on companies’ obligations in relation to the human rights and environmental impacts of their activities

    At a Competitiveness Council meeting held on May 24, the European Council gave final approval to the corporate sustainability due diligence directive which lays down responsibilities for companies and requires them to adopt and implement a climate change transition plan.
  • Regulation prohibiting products made with forced labor from entering the EU market approved

    The European Commission will set up a database of specific geographic areas or products where there is a risk of forced labor.
  • European Parliament gives green light to Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

    The directive regulates companies’ obligations relating to actual and potential adverse human rights and environmental impacts, liability for breaching such obligations and the requirement that companies adopt and put into effect a transition plan to mitigate climate change.
  • The European Union gives a new boost to the directive promoting the repair of products to foster the circular economy

    This new regulation, which is part of the Circular Economy Action Plan, seeks to foster more sustainable consumer habits and business models.