United Kingdom

  • Brexit places the UK out of the judicial cooperation area in the EU; will this be the end of English law in the continent?

    English law, courts and lawyers are a popular option for business transactions in the EU. Brexit could possibly change that, not so much because of obstacles to a valid choice of English law or the enforceability of judgements rendered by English courts but because the UK is now outside the many procedures for judicial cooperation within the EU (summoning, taking of evidence and other forms of judicial cooperation) which are vital for effective cross-border litigation.
  • Brexit is here: how companies will be affected

    On January 31 the UK's withdrawal from the European Union took effect and a transition period began until December 31 this year, in which EU law will continue to be applicable in relationships with the United Kingdom, while waiting for a future agreement setting out the conditions governing bilateral relationships from that date onwards. Until this happens, companies crucially need to prepare contingency plans enabling them to anticipate and start preparing for any processes that will take longer and will be necessary to continue trading with the UK from 2021. 
  • Acquiring distressed companies’ business units, a guide

    We look at the differences and advantages of the Spanish and UK systems, pinpointing the more favorable elements of the Spanish system, designed to give greater security and certainty to the investor.
  • No deal Brexit: towards a 50 billion euros international lawsuit?

    A no deal Brexit could prompt legal action by the European Union against the UK to claim payment of the financial obligations it assumed before its exit. This massive lawsuit, over a sum possibly in the region of 50 billion euros, could have extremely serious implications for the UK as a sovereign state.