+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer, nº 66944
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Ana Garrote is a partner in Garrigues’ Litigation and Arbitration Department, where she specializes in complex and multi-party civil and commercial litigation. She is an expert in defending the interests of major companies in disputes with high economic impact in contractual and noncontractual matters as well as in the strategic design of complex litigation, having participated in the most high-profile judicial and arbitration proceedings in the Spanish legal arena in such sectors as infrastructure, construction, audiovisual, sports, telecommunications, transportation, real estate and energy. She has extensive experience in ad hoc arbitration proceedings and dealings with the leading institutions, with notable expertise in energy industry-related arbitrations. She is a regular speaker at seminars and conferences staged by the Firm and in the world of academia and in forums on relations with the justice system. Lecturer on Procedural Law and Litigation on the Master’s Degree in IP and New Technologies at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She holds a Law Degree from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Master’s Degree in Business and Finance from Centro de Estudios Garrigues
Ana Garrote joined Garrigues in 1999 and was named partner of the Litigation and Arbitration Department in 2010. She specializes in the areas of Private Law, Litigation and Arbitration.
Her professional practice has mainly focused on managing complex litigation cases and in her nearly twenty-five years of practice she has taken part in major judicial and arbitration disputes in a wide range of sectors, including:
- Litigation involving contractual matters: infrastructure projects, finance and M&A transactions, energy, telecommunications, real estate, hotels, agency, transportation and logistics.
- Noncontractual liability.
- Litigation involving audiovisual rights, sports and media events.
- Petition for injunctive relief in support of judicial and arbitration proceedings.
- Infringements of antitrust law, abuse of dominant position, damage deriving from antitrust-related unlawful conduct and unfair competition.
- Arbitration over price reviews in the energy sector.
- Challenging corporate resolutions, directors’ liability, corporate disputes.
She also advises on contractual matters, pre-litigation scenarios, settlement agreements and pre-contentious strategic advice on preventing and resolving disputes.
She is a member of Garrigues’ Pro Bono Committee.
Academic background
Degree in Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1999.
Executive Master’s Degree in Business and Finance, Centro de Estudios Garrigues, 2007.
Teaching activity
Lecturer on Procedural Law and Litigation on the Master’s Degree in IP and New Technologies at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
She has been a lecturer in the Master’s Degree for Access to the Legal Profession at the UAM and is a regular speaker at seminars and conferences staged by the Firm and in the world of academia. Guest speaker as a practicing lawyer at various forums on access to and relations with the justice system.
Madrid Bar Association.
Best Lawyers in Spain, in the "Litigation. Arbitration and Mediation” area (2018-2023).
- "Apreciación en una misma sentencia de los efectos negativo y positivo (o prejudicial) de la cosa juzgada derivados de un procedimiento previo entre las partes” (Finding in the same judgment of negative and positive (or preliminary) effects of the res judicata deriving from a prior proceeding between the parties). Práctica contenciosa para abogados. La Ley. Wolters Kluwer. 2020.
- "Los recursos” (Appeals). Cuadernos de Derecho Procesal para Ingenieros. Wolters Kluwer, 2012.
- "El alcance y rigor del deber del demandante de identificar y cuantificar en el seno del proceso declarativo los daños que reclama, sin posibilidad de diferir dicha tarea para ejecución de sentencia. Una decisión salomónica del Tribunal Supremo” (The scope and rigor of the plaintiff’s duty to identify and quantify the damages being claimed within the declaratory proceeding, without the possibility of deferring this task to the enforcement of the judgment. The Supreme Court’s Solomonic decision). Práctica contenciosa para abogados. Wolters Kluwer, 2012.
- “El papel del abogado joven en la modernización y mejora de la administración de justicia” (The role of young lawyers in modernizing and improving the justice system). Diariojuridico.com. 2009.