+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer, nº 73122
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Cecilia Rosende Villar is a partner in the Dispute Resolution: Litigation and Arbitration department at Garrigues, where she has been practicing since 2002. She advises on litigation and pre-litigation matters for some of the most important national and international companies in sectors such as distribution, real estate, construction and engineering, among others. She is in charge of the management and defence of cases before courts and arbitration tribunals, as well as pre-litigation strategy. He is also experienced in handling cross-border matters and class actions.
She holds a PhD in Law from the University of Navarra (Extraordinary Doctorate Award, 2001). She is the author of numerous publications on procedural matters and Private International Law and has been a lecturer of Private International Law at the Complutense University of Madrid. She regularly participates in seminars on procedural issues and international litigation.
Cecilia has been a partner in the Litigation and Arbitration Department of Garrigues since 2020.
She has extensive experience in providing legal advice to companies, particularly in matters relating, among others, to:
Contractual and non-contractual liability;
- Real estate matters;
- Franchising;
- Unfair competition;
- Audiovisual;
- Corporate matters, such as challenges to corporate resolutions, directors' liability, etc.
She also has outstanding experience in:
- International disputes or those involving several jurisdictions and in the recognition and enforcement in Spain of foreign court decisions.
- Collective actions.
Academic background
- Degree in Law from the University of Navarra in 1998.
- PhD in Law from the University of Navarra in 2001 and Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2001.
Teaching activity
- Lecturer of Private International Law at the Complutense University of Madrid from 2017 to 2024.
- Lecturer Civil Praxis in the Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession at the University of Navarra from 2012 to 2016.
- Assistant Lecturer at the University of Navarra during the 2001-2002 academic year in which she taught the optional subject of Contentious-Administrative Law.
- Lecturer of Procedural Law at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2001-2002.
Madrid Bar Association. Member no. 73.122
Monograph: La eficacia frente a terceros de las sentencias contencioso-administrativas, Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2002. ISBN 978-84-8410-901-3.
Book chapters:
- “¿Cuál es la ley aplicable a las prendas de acciones de una sociedad española, constituidas a favor de una sociedad extrajera? ¿Qué funciones tienen los administradores y quién tiene legitimación pasiva en caso de no reconocimiento de las prendas?”, 2022 Práctica contenciosa para abogados. Los casos más relevantes sobre litigación y arbitraje en 2021 de los grandes despachos, 2022. ISBN versión impresa: 978-84-19032-45-4.
- “Plazo de ejecución de las resoluciones extranjeras (Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de 4 de octubre de 2018, C-379/17, asunto Al Bosco”), in Derecho Internacional Privado Europeo. Diálogos con la Práctica, directed by Prof. Dra. Dª. Pilar Domínguez Lozano and coordinated by Prof. Dra. Dª. María Jesús Elvira Benayas, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2020, ISBN: 978-84-1336-875-7 (paper) 978-84-1336-876-4.
- “Ventajas del título ejecutivo europeo para créditos no impugnados en reclamación de deudas transfronterizas”, in Ejecución de las decisiones relativas a deudas monetarias en la Unión Europea, directed by Prof. Dra. Dª. Carmen Otero García-Castrillón, Dykinson, Madrid, 2020, ISBN: 978-84-1324-440-2; ISBN electrónico: 978-84-1324-743-4.
Other collaborative works:
- Comentarios a la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil (arts. 149 a 168), coordinated by Prof. Dr. D. Faustino Cordón Moreno, Aranzadi, 2011. ISBN 978-84-9903-779-0
- Comentarios a la Ley Concursal (arts. 163 a 182), directed by Prof. Dr. D. Faustino Cordón Moreno, Aranzadi, 2004, 1st Ed. and 2010, 2nd Ed. ISBN 978-84-9903-410-2
Doctrinal articles:
- “Ley aplicable a un contrato internacional de inversión en plantaciones de árboles celebrado con un consumidor (Comentario STJUE 10 de febrero de 2022, as. C-595/20 ShareWood)”, ADC, tomo LXXVI, 2023, fasc. III (julio-septiembre), pp. 1227-1244.
- "Validez en el ámbito europeo de las cláusulas de elección de foro fijadas unilateralmente", nº 30, November 2016, La Ley Mercantil.
- "Litispendencia y conexidad internacionales y sus últimas reformas legislativas europea y española", AEDIPr., t. XVI, Varia, Iprolex, Madrid, 2016, pp. 347-374.
- "A vueltas con las anti-suit injunctions. Commentary on the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 13 May 2015. Gazprom case". Revista Aranzadi Unión Europea, no. 6/2015.
- "Principales novedades del Reglamento nº 1215/2012, de 12 de diciembre de 2012, relativa a la competencia judicial, el reconocimiento y la ejecución de resoluciones judiciales en materia civil y mercantil", Revista Aranzadi Unión Europea, no. 11/2014.
- "La nueva regulación de la extensión de los efectos de la sentencia a terceros", Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi, no. 633, 2004.
- "La eficacia refleja de la sentencia", Revista de Derecho Procesal nº 1-3, 2002.
- "Efectos directos y reflejos de la sentencia", Revista Chilena de Derecho, Vol. 28, nº 3, 2001.
- "La obtención de prueba en el ámbito comunitario según el Reglamento (CE) 1206/2001", Aranzadi Civil Mercantil no. 20, 2001.
Case law digest:s:
- Selection of case law (arts. 299 to 386) for the collection Códigos con Jurisprudencia, Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, Aranzadi, Thomson Reuters, 2015, 2018.
- Selection of case law for the collection Legislación y Jurisprudencia, Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, Civitas, Madrid, 2003.