+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer nº 63720
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Gabriel Castro is a partner at the Litigation and Arbitration department of Garrigues, where he practices in the criminal law area. His main occupation is the legal management of litigation related to criminal offences committed during business activity, acting as either private prosecutor or defense counsel. In addition, he leads the Firm's activity in the development and implementation of Crime Prevention Programs for companies and participates as an external advisor in internal investigation processes for those clients who request it. He holds a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid and an Executive Master's Degree in Business and Finance for Lawyers from the Centro de Estudios Garrigues. He is currently recognized in the prestigious Chambers & Partners directory in Band 1 in the Dispute Resolution - Corporate Crime category, being one of the most prestigious criminal lawyers in Spain.
Gabriel Castro joined Garrigues in 1998 as a member of the Litigation and Arbitration department and has been a partner of the Firm since 2009, currently managing the Firm's criminal practice in the Madrid office and coordinating the criminal law practice in the rest of Garrigues’ offices. His main professional activities are as follows:
- Legal management of the criminal matters of the firm's clients, with extensive experience in economic and corporate criminal offences, criminal offences against the Public Treasury, crimes against the administration of justice, environmental crimes, and criminal offences against workers' rights, in particular those arising from accidents at the workplace with criminal implications. He has acted in courts and tribunals throughout Spain, with a particular emphasis on the major proceedings before the National Court, which, given their technical and logistical complexity, are cases in which Garrigues' criminal practice is the undisputed leader.
- It also acts in extradition proceedings, European Arrest Warrants and INTERPOL red notices, international judicial assistance proceedings (enforcement of sentences, tracing and recovery of assets, letters rogatory, etc.).
- Since 2010, he has been leading the criminal compliance line and the development of Crime Prevention Programs for all those clients who so request, having participated in the preparation and development of this type of model for a multitude of companies from very different sectors, including listed companies belonging to the IBEX 35.
- He also participates in internal investigation processes for companies.
Academic background
- Law degree from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1993.
- Preparation for entry to the judiciary between 1993-1998.
- Executive Master's Degree in Business and Finance for Lawyers from Centro de Estudios Garrigues.
Teaching activity
He has been a lecturer on the Executive Master's Degree in Business Law, at Centro de Estudios Garrigues in collaboration with Harvard Law School, and currently continues lecturing at Centro de Estudios Garrigues, both on the Executive Master's Degree in Business Legal Practice and on the Executive Program in Corporate Compliance. Since the 2014/2015 academic year, he has been a lecturer on the Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession at ICADE, where he teaches the subject of Criminal Litigation. He has also been collaborating since 2019 with the Legal School of the Complutense University as a guest lecturer on the Advanced Specialisation Course in Economic Criminal Law. Since the 2022/2023 academic year, he has been an associate lecturer at the ICADE Law School, Department of Public Law, teaching the subject "Introduction to Criminal Law and its Sanctions".
He is a regular speaker at different forums such as the KPMG Forensic Criminal Observatory, the Instituto de Fomento Empresarial, or the Asociación Española de Directivos.
Member of the Madrid Bar Association
Band 1 in the Chambers & Partners directory in the Dispute Resolution - Corporate Crime category.
- "Retos de la abogacía ante la sociedad global" coord. by Marta Gisbert Pomata, Alberto Serrano Molina; Cristina Carretero González (dir.), Federico de Montalvo Jääskeläinen (dir.), 2012, ISBN 978-84-8468-364-3, págs. 1365-1372.
- "¿Mejoras técnicas o incremento de la eficacia recaudadora?" ISSN 1130-8753, Nº 306, 2013, págs. 64-70.
- "La difusa frontera entre el ilícito mercantil y el ilícito penal en los delitos societarios".
- "Cuadernos de Derecho para ingenieros. La responsabilidad penal de los Consejeros".