+57 601 326 69 99
Guillermo León Ramírez Torres is a senior associate in the Litigation practice.
His practice is focus on corporate law, security interests and bankruptcy. He is graduated from Es abogado de la Universidad Externado de Colombia, especialista en derecho comercial y legislación financiera y con maestría en derecho privado. Su práctica se concentra en el litigio mercantil, protección del crédito e insolvencia empresarial.
He has extensive experience in advising on corporate insolvency matters, representing debtors, creditors or interested third parties. He also has experience in judicial representation in revocation actions arising from insolvency proceedings. He deals with credit protection matters such as enforced collection, enforcement of guarantees and representation in insolvency proceedings. He served as Advisor to the Superintendence of Companies where he supported the drafting of insolvency regulations to address the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. He also served as Judge in the insolvency proceedings of the SITP operators of Bogotá, Avantel, among others, and the recognition of the main foreign proceedings of Latam.
Academic background
Lawyer from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and major in Commercial Law from the same university. He also has a major in Financial Legislation and a Master's Degree in Private Law from the Universidad de los Andes.
Teaching activity
He is a lecturer at the Universidad Externado de Colombia, Universidad de Los Andes, Universidad Javeriana de Cali and Universidad Sergio Arboleda on different subjects related to corporate insolvency and secured transactions.
Member of the Colombian Institute of Insolvency Law and frequent lecturer at the congresses and events of that organisation. Member of Insol.
Coauthor of:
- Risk Allocation in International Construction Contracts: An International Perspective (*), Revista E-Mercatoria. Volume 8 No. 2.2009.
Author of:
- The Rights of the Secured Creditor and the Reorganization of the Debtor in the Law on Secured Transactions (*), Revista de Derecho Privado No. 54, Universidad de Los Andes. July-December 2015.
- Revista Ius et Veritas No. 53 The acquisition of companies in crisis in comparative law and, in particular, the Colombian case. http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/iusetveritas/article/view/16533. *
- Compendium of bankruptcy case law Colombian case law on cross-border insolvency: harmonisation or territorialism? Colombian Institute of Insolvency Law. *
- Actualidad Concursal No. 3 The Colombian system and pronouncements of the insolvency judge regarding the application of articles 50, 51 and 52 of the Colombian Insolvency Law * https://www.derechoconcursal.org/images/revista/REVISTA_ICDC_2021_final.pdf
- Insolvency and its new challenges. Proceedings of the 16th Colombian Congress on Insolvency Law. The integration and interpretation of the rules on limits to the scope of application of Law 1676 of 2013 and the treatment of security interests in corporate insolvency proceedings.
(*) originally published in Spanish. See Spanish CV for more information.