+34 96 353 66 11
Registered lawyer nº 18048
I. Colegio de Abogados de Valencia
Devoted from the beginning of his career to arbitral and judicial disputes (both, domestic and international) in civil and commercial matters, Pedro is the partner responsible for the Industrial and Intellectual Property Law Department (Levante Area), as well as the Litigation and Arbitration Department (Valencia office).
Pedro Tent is the partner responsible for the Levante Area (Comunidad Valenciana and Murcia) of the Department of Conflict Resolution: Litigation and Arbitration; and of the Industrial and Intellectual Property Law.
In industrial property matters, Pedro has reached a high degree of specialization in the field of Plant Varieties Law, intervening in the design of contractual formulas concerning exclusive rights licensing, varietal genetic development, and distribution of plant material. He has also led the defense of some of the most relevant players in the industry in numerous legal proceedings on behalf of the breeder or her licensee. He has intervened in the same capacity before the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Still in the field of industrial property, Pedro has assumed the judicial defense of different clients of significant weight in the field of Patent Law and European Trademark Law, intervening before the General Court of the European Union.
In the field of civil and commercial litigation, he directs all kinds of judicial proceedings in matters related to Contract and Corporate Law, including international litigation.
In the field of commercial arbitration, Pedro has led numerous proceedings, both international and domestic (international franchise, international sale and distribution, corporate conflicts, exequatur proceedings...) and has intervened as an arbitrator in corporate disputes.
Academic background
- Law Degree (honors), Universitat de València Estudi General.
- LLM (Corporate and Commercial Law), London School of Economics and Political Science (2018).
- Arbitrator Training (Madrid Bar Association, 2021).
Teaching activity
- Associate Lecturer of Private International Law at the Law Faculty of the Universitat de València, where Pedro teaches "International Commercial Law".
- Guest Lecturer of the Magister Lvcentinvs of the Law Faculty of the Universidad de Alicante, where Pedro teaches “EU legal system on plant variety protection”, “General aspects of inventions, forms of protection and developments of basics concepts in Europe” and "El Proceso ante el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea".
- “La jurisdicción española como sede arbitral internacional” (Speaker; Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Valencia, 2019).
- “La declinatoria arbitral” (Speaker; Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, 2019).
- “The Nadorcott case: legal consequences and strategy for breeders.” CIOPORA General Assembly (Speaker; October 2020).
- “Plant Variety Rights: insights and tips for enforcers” (Moderator). EUIPO seminar (May 2021).
- “Court case in the European Union on mandarin” (Speaker; UPOV Seminar on the breeder’s right in relation to harvested material (UPOV/SEM/GE/21; May 27, 2021 (Geneva, Switzerland).
- "El valor jurídico de las decisiones del arbitrador" (Valencia and Murcia, 2023).
- "Legal treatment of harvested material" (Speaker; CIOPORA Academy; Madrid, september 2023).
- Member of the Bord of the International Law and EU Law Section of the Valencia Bar Association.
- Member of the Valencia Bar Association.
- Member of the Union International des Avocats.
- J&A Garrigues, S.L.P. link before CIOPORA.
- Winner of "IP EMEA Award" por el "Impact Case" in Spain (2020).
- Included in "Best Lawyers".
- Appointed "Lawyer of the Year 2023" by "Best Lawyers" (Valencia, 2023) in the areas of "Litigation", "IP Law" and "Corporate Law".
- Co-author of the chapter “Aspectos procesales generales y sistema de recursos” in the collective work “Crisis empresarial y concurso: Comentarios legales” (Colección Garrigues), coordinated by Antonio Fernández Rodríguez and Manuel Mª Sánchez Álvarez; published by por Aranzadi - Thomson Reuters (2010).
- Co-author, with Prof. Dr. Carlos Flores Juberías, of the paper “Extending voting rights to foreigners: Reinforcing equality or reinventing Citizenship?” published in Cuadernos Constitucionales de la Cátedra Fadrique Furió Ceriol, nº62-63; 2011.
- Co-author, with Dr. Sergio González Malabia, of the paper "Criterios para la determinación de la indemnización en el arrendamiento de finca urbana: las rentas futuras no devengadas", published in Revista Dereito (Revista Xurídica Da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Vol. 19, nº2, 2011.
- Author, in the collective work “Enciclopedia de Arbitraje”, of the entry: “La doctrina del centro de gravedad” (Biblioteca de Arbitraje, Estudio Mario Castillo Freyre, 2017).
- Co-author, with Joe Tirado, of “The PUMA case” LexisPSLArbitration, (Febrero 2017).
- Author of the paper “The CJUE, «the unitary patent package» and the sorcerer’s apprentice: Analysis of the role of the CJEU and the material scope of its jurisdiction on the European Patent with Unitary Effect” (La Ley Mercantil, nº35. Abril 2017).
- Co-author, with Prof. Dr. Manuel Penadés of the paper “Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements by National Courts: what standard of review?” (2019), published in "60 Years of the New York Convention. Key Issues and Future Challenges". (Wolters-Kluwer, 2019, Katia Fach y Ana Mercedes López, Eds.) Defended before the International Conference on the 60th anniversary of the New York Convention (Sevilla, 2018).
- Author of the paper “La Culminación de la Concepción Contractualista del Principio Kompetenz-Kompetenz en su Variante Negativa: La sentencia Henry Schein Inc. v. Archer & White Sales Inc. de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos de América”, published in Revista de Arbitraje Internacional y de Inversiones (Volumen XII, 2019-1).
- Co-author with Josefa Teresa Roselló of the paper "Breves apuntes sobre el Reglamento de Mediación de la Comunitat Valenciana", published in La Ley: Mediación y Arbitraje (número 7, 2021)
- Author of the paper “Satis superque (o el aparente y esperado final de una anomalía arbitral española: la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional de 15 de febrero de 2021)", published in the collective work "El proceso arbitral en España a la luz de la doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional" (Wolters Kluwer, 2021).
- Author of the paper "Cave Cautelam! Reflexiones acerca de la autoridad cautelar de los árbitros en el marco de la Ley 60/2003 y los recelos subsistentes al respecto.", published in La Ley: Mediación y Arbitraje (número 10, 2022).
- Co-author, with Raquel Sánchez, of the paper "Desaconsejable interpretación restrictiva del alcance del convenio arbitral ratione materiae: la diferenciación en el ámbito del proceso constructivo de la responsabilidad ex contractu y ex lege (LOE)", published in La Ley: Mediación y Arbitraje (número 14, 2023).
- Author of the paper "El valor jurídico del arbitrio de tercero. Una aproximación desde el Derecho español e inglés", published in La Ley: Mediación y Arbitraje (número 16, 2023).
- Author of "El asunto Miglionico: el orden público como caos privado", published in La Ley: Mediación y Arbitraje (número 21, 2024).