Garrigues, ranked as best company to work for by ‘Actualidad Económica’

This year, Garrigues has been ranked in the first position in the ranking of Best Companies to Work For, of the journal Actualidad Económica.
“A law firm’s strength is its people and we have 2,000 people working here,” stated Fernando Vives, executive chairman of the firm, in the interview appearing on the cover of Actualidad Económica. He added that “the image that we convey to the market is that of each and every one of our employees. That is why we are permanently concerned with advancing in all aspects relating to people and also their training.”
The ranking, which is based on an exhaustive questionnaire prepared and published by Actualidad Económica every year, recognizes companies that excel in talent management. On this occasion, Garrigues shares the podium with Garrigues, Glaxo SmithKline, L’Oréal, British American Tobacco and Reale Seguros Generales.